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In Need of Relief from Years of Vaginal Bleeding Caused by Oral Contraceptives

She’s been on birth control for eight years and for the last 2-1/2 years have experienced continual vaginal bleeding. Sometimes the discharge is brown, and on others it’s red. She’s tried a number of remedies that have yet to offer relief. The solution is an herbal formula that will stop the bleeding and detoxify her body.

Case #: 892


Like many other users, I experience discharge almost daily. It is usually brown, however, I also experience fresh blood on occasions. I have been on birth control for eight years and have switched 11 brands in the last 2-1/2 years because of the constant bloody discharge. I have been to an acupuncturist, changed my diet, taken vitamins, and had a DNC…you name it, and I’ve tried it. Any suggestions?


The relationship between birth control and liver health seems unlikely on the surface, but further inspection shows the close rapport these elements have. The liver is responsible for breaking down steroid hormones, a group that includes estrogen and progesterone. In fact, it helps the body process naturally-made hormones as well as those that are introduced by birth control.

Liver Fatigue

But eight years of continuous birth control use have caused an abundance of hormones in your body. If you’re thinking the liver should be able to metabolize these chemicals, consider this: that organ uses two different phases to metabolize all substances. Some are converted during phase I, and others are converted during phase II. Either phase can be influenced by the number of substances that require metabolizing. The liver is robust, but even it has its limits.

When estrogen and progesterone are not properly metabolized, they create a hormonal imbalance that produces unwanted side effects. Many women on birth control complain of vaginal bleeding and brown discharge because it introduces synthetic hormones to those produced naturally in the body. This can fatigue the liver and cause the body to function poorly.

Hormone Levels and Liver Phases

It’s not a glamorous job, but the liver operates rather like a waste water cleaning plant. It detoxifies nearly everything that enters the body, including toxins from the air, skin lotion, food, water, and medication. Without this organ, people simply wouldn’t survive.

As the liver metabolizes hormones, it sends them to those part of the body where they are most needed. Different processes enable the liver to accomplish these tasks, including the secretion of liver bile. Bile helps excess hormones, particularly estrogen, pass through the body into the intestine. They are then eliminated through the stool with other toxins. Birth control, however, is believed to interfere with the flow of bile. Women who take this medication may thus be at even greater risk of a condition known as estrogen dominance.

Excess Estrogen and Vaginal Bleeding

Estrogen dominance is a condition in which the hormone is not balanced by its progesterone counterpart. That means the body contains too much estrogen, which causes certain functions to fail. One of those functions relates to the lining of the uterus, which is prompted to grow thick and lush each month before ovulation. The point of this lining is to support an embryo if a woman becomes pregnant during intercourse. If pregnancy doesn’t occur, the lining is shed each month during menstruation.

Estrogen is the chemical responsible for growing the uterine lining. But if this hormone level is too high or too low, the lining sloughs off throughout the month rather than remain in place until menstruation. In other words, birth control is responsible for your vaginal bleeding because of hormone overload to the body.

Natural Detoxification

Your hormone levels must be balanced for your body to return to normal. The best way to achieve this is with a natural relief formula designed to stop vaginal bleeding. (SEE: Vaginal Bleeding Relief Formula) Herbs like Ashwagandha and Safflower have long shown to support health of the endocrine and reproductive systems. They balance hormones and detoxify the body so your liver can once again function as it should. You will finally be relieved of vaginal bleeding and see an improvement to your overall health.

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Blog ID: 60066

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