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Infertilidad masculina
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Dolor y lesiones del pene
Bajo deseo sexual
Masturbación excesiva
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Gaining An Erection Causes Some Slight Discomfort

They say my prostate is inflamed thanks to bacteria. When I take the medicine to reduce the swelling, I still experience the same symptoms.

Case #: 467


I am 23-years old, and for someone my age, I should not be experiencing some of the symptoms my body has showcased. At my young age, I continue to suffer from low-sex drive and painful erections. When my libido is present, I find that gaining an erection causes some slight discomfort. My low libido and painful erections have led me to see multiple urologists who all give me the same prognosis: Prostatitis. They say my prostate is inflamed thanks to bacteria. When I take the medicine to reduce the swelling, I still experience the same symptoms. Please, what is really wrong with me?


Although the urologists you consulted were probably correct to diagnose you with Prostatitis, it is possible that your recovery will require more than just prescription medication. A bacterial infection is only one potential cause for the symptoms you are experiencing. Recurring or chronic inflammation of the prostate gland, brought on by sexual exhaustion, can also result in weak erections and pain during ejaculation. Even with today's advanced medical screening technology, prostate exhaustion is difficult for doctors to detect as a cause for the organ's inflammation.

Prostatitis Knows No Ageism:

Elderly men are not the only ones afflicted by prostate pain. Although most men experience prostate enlargement or inflammation at some point in their lives, particularly as they advance in age, consistent overuse of the reproductive symptom early in adulthood can also cause the prostate to become inflamed.

There are several different types of Prostatitis. Some cause severe, flu-like symptoms, and some cause no symptoms at all, and are discovered incidentally through unrelated tests. Bacteria is the root cause behind some types of Prostatitis. However, most cases of Prostatitis are categorized as chronic nonbacterial prostatitis. This variety can last for many months, or indefinitely, if left untreated. Unlike a bacterial infection, which is easily treatable with prescription medications and dietary changes, nonbacterial prostate inflammation may indicate a different problem: excessive masturbation. Men who suffer from chronic nonbacterial Prostatitis may experience a broad range of symptoms in addition to prostate pain and low libido, including fuzzy vision, eye floaters, and emotional disturbances. Your immune system may also suffer, leading to an increased vulnerability to secondary infections.

How Does Excessive Masturbation Cause Prostatitis?

Ejaculating frequently without giving your body sufficient time to recover causes abrasions on the nerves and soft tissues of the prostate and urethra. Too much sex prompts your body to produce an excess of of acerylcholine, dopamine, and serotonin, which then become depleted. This neurochemical depletion leads to a deficiency in the hormone prostaglandin E-1, which causes cramps and pain in the pubic area.

How You Can Heal:

To recover from chronic Prostatitis, you will need to give you body time to heal itself by abstaining from sexual activity. This includes both masturbation and sex with a partner. A balanced, healthy diet will also play a role in your recovery. Additionally, there are a number of natural solutions and herbal remedies known to regulate prostate health and help reduce the organ's inflammation.

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Blog ID: 60028

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