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Penis Training Injury

Like any experienced athlete, this guy wanted to learn how to perform better and build up his stamina. Unfortunately, he misjudged the training technique and injured himself. What went wrong? And more importantly, how can he fix it? Read on, get the facts, and find out what you can do if his situation sounds too familiar for comfort...

Case #: 1119


About 2 weeks ago I was practicing on how to masturbate and stop before ejaculating in order to make my erections stronger during intercourse but there was a problem. Unfortunately, I got carried away and stroked so hard that once I ejaculated I suffered from pain through my scrotum. Is there something I can take for this problem? I have had a prostate exam and was given drugs for it. The pain decreased drastically but pain is still there leaving my penis in pain when I should be turned on. Help me please.


Men have been trying to increase the size and duration of their erections for most of recorded history. Alongside the thousands of tragic stories of snake-oil “medicines” or dubious surgeries, there have been some success stories relating to the goal.

A Good Beginning

The solutions that seem to produce desired results most reliably focus on a combination of all-natural herbal supplements and careful practice of techniques to stimulate the tissues and functions of the penis just short of ejaculation.

While this gentleman made the correct choice in how he sought his goal, he made an understandable error, putting his sex life on hold. Let's take a look inside your anatomy and see what's going on.

Proper Form

Erections come about through a cascading series of biological processes. Upon receiving the proper hormonal triggers, your body releases nitric oxide to pull blood into the corpus spongiosum and corpus cavernosum, your prostate starts producing prostatic fluid, and your testicles start cranking out sperm cells. A hormone called prostaglandin E-2 starts flooding your system, dilating your blood vessels to help your erection rise faster.

Other hormones like DHEA and testosterone play important parts, as do neurotransmitters like acetylcholine and dopamine. After you ejaculate, your liver and kidneys start filtering out the excess levels of hormones while sending out different hormones to counteract the “waste” ones. When your body is in good shape, it usually takes a day or two between each ejaculation before you fully recover.


So what's happening here? In your particular case, you may have flooded your system with far more prostaglandin E-2 than it could handle, because your body had not recovered enough from the previous ejaculations. You might not have noticed the symptoms of chemical imbalances as contributing factors. Low levels of DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), for example, can cause a diminished libido and poor memory, and diminished amounts of other hormones or neurotransmitters may have affected you in other ways.

Alternately, your body may have reacted to a higher-than-expected amount of tissue stretching, friction and so on from your exercises. Excessive prostaglandin E-2 can cause the tissues around your blood vessels to swell up, crimping them like a kink in a hose and making it harder for the blood to circulate. This can be especially noticeable and painful in your seminal vesicles and prostate, as well as seriously diminishing their ability to do their normal jobs.

On The Mend

To repair the problem, you've got to start with letting your body focus on fixing itself. The best way to do that is to reduce your sexual activity, both masturbation and with a partner, as much as possible for about three weeks. The goal is to have no ejaculations for three solid weeks, but bringing it down to no more often than once every three or four days will be enough to start the healing process.

You should also work on improving your diet. Eating foods rich in zinc like poppy seeds, cooked Napa cabbage and properly prepared oysters will help immensely. Look into starting up a moderate exercise program to naturally raise your testosterone level. Practicing it three and four times per week, with a day of rest between each workout session, is the usual balance point between increasing your testosterone and burning it off even faster by pushing further. Last but far from least, you should look into an all-natural herbal supplement, (SEE: Penile Restoration & Rejuvenation) designed specifically to assist your genitals in regenerating from injuries.

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观看次数: 100


笔记编号: 60005

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