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Vaginal Dryness: When Singing In the Rain No Longer Helps

I can’t self lubricate and I really need some help. Is there anything I can do?

Case #: 410


Doctors have not been able to help me solve the problem of my dry vagina. I can’t self lubricate and I really need some help. Is there anything I can do? Any natural supplements that can help alleviate my problem? Please help!


Vaginal dryness can make the sexual experience less than pleasurable and even painful. Although it can affect women of all ages, the most afflicted demographic are middle-aged women. 1 out of every 3 women experience this condition while going through “the change” and afterward the numbers are even higher.

Hormonal imbalances can adversely affect the vagina, which loses its elasticity, natural lubrication and genuine desire to meet and greet.


Several factors contribute to vaginal dryness, e.g., depression, poor diet, sexual exhaustion, stress, inferior blood circulation, abusive masturbation and even childbirth. Most dryness, however, is related to the depletion of estrogen, which causes a loss of moisture and hormonal imbalance.

Estrogen, present in both men and women, appears in much higher levels in women to promote the development of breasts and other secondary sex characteristics. Estrogen is vital to a healthy vagina as it helps to maintain lubrication, elasticity and acidity.

No matter what causes vaginal dryness it can be problematic since abrasions can develop, which can lead to scarring of the clitoris. This can also adversely affect a woman’s ability to achieve orgasm and often leads to an avoidance of sex altogether.

What to do:

Lifestyle modifications supplement the power of natural remedies. Eat a balanced diet and eliminate simple sugars and unhealthy fats whenever possible. Avoid caffeine and alcohol and drink plenty of water (pretend it’s gin). Herbal complexes can help restore proper hormonal production and vaginal moisture.

Don’t wait for the next rainstorm. Create your own healthy, herbal downpour today!

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Blog ID: 59978

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