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Roughhousing Your Wiener – Penis Dryness and Too Much Whacking

This gentleman has been having a little too much fun with his Mr. Happy, and now it feels as though he is rubbing up against some old dry wood. How can he help to get back to having a healthy dong, and also prevent infections from developing?

Case #: 1667


I have been masturbating for years and now I need some help because I can no longer masturbate. My penis is too dry that it causes me to not be able to masturbate. I try to masturbate but I am unable to move my hand down the shaft of my penis because the skin is dry and it feels too rough. What I use instead of my hands sometimes is a blanket to make the back and forth movement of the hand on the penis a little bit smoother. How can I fix my dry penis so I can have a normal sex life with myself or my partner?


Many men just love to masturbate for various reasons. Sometimes it’s to facilitate fantasizing about that hot new girl at work, others times it may just be to relieve a little stress after a long day at work while reminiscing about an old flame.

Whatever the reasons, sometimes guys can get a little fixated on whacking the wizard and end up in a vicious cycle of over masturbation. It is a “cycle” because some men can come to rely on masturbation which can unwittingly lead them to exhausting their bodies of neurochemicals and hormones needed for sex. They more they use them, they less they have of them, which forces these poor guys to try harder in order to recapture those old orgasms of old.

Chronic masturbation can also result in wearing down your penis’s epidermal layer. Normally effective in protecting the penile organ against infections and diseases, if this layer is compromised it can have the opposite effect and help to spread them. This can not only cause flaking and cracked dry skin in the penis (and sometimes bleeding), but also a nice place for bacteria to set up shop and start to flourish and spread.

Harmful Products

Certain types of perfumed soaps as well as rough scrubbing (of your member) in the shower can also harm your and dry out your wee-wee. And don’t be fooled by many of the moisturizers out on the market which promise to keep your skin moist; often they have the opposite effect and result in your penis feeling like a piece of dry timber wood. So do you get things back to normal?


First of all, if you’re rubbing your privates too roughly, try easing it up a little. You should also chill out on your rigorous masturbatory schedule until your dry penis symptoms are taken care of. Not only will this give your body some time to heal and start to repair itself, but it will also allow you to replenish some of those lost sex hormones and neurotransmitters. Give it a break.

You may also be interested in taking a soothing lubrication formula which can really accelerate your healing process. (TRY: Penile Creams for Penis Rehydration) Most men use lotions that aren’t specifically designed for the genitals; these all-natural penile creams are. They can renew your skin by rejuvenating your penile epidermal layer and regenerating your skin cells, as well as repairing nerve endings which may have been harmed by your wild whacking sessions. They can also create lasting lubrication which will help to protect against penile chaffing.

So take care of your wiener and protect it!

[More Details +]

Views: 165

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, Penis Pain & Injury

Blog ID: 59875

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