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His Favorite Toy Is Broken

Nothing wrong with enthusiastic sex, until it goes a little too far and something breaks. This guy managed to break his penis, creating a distinct curve, decreased length, pain in one testicle... and somehow, sex just isn't as much fun as it used to be. What's wrong? And more importantly, how can he fix it? Read on, get the facts, and rekindle hope if you find yourself in a similar situation.

Case #: 900


I had broken my penis due to wild thrusting in the missionary position. My penis was [broken] on my right side. I have noticed major decrease in size and girth. I have a pain on that side and every [once in] awhile I hear a cracking or popping sound during intercourse. The pain is coming from one of my testes. I noticed when I do get an erection it takes much longer and it is not as strong as it used to be. My penis used to be around eight inches or more. Now I can barely get it to six erected. I also curve due to the side that is not functioning. Sex is also not as enjoyable as it use to be. My penis is not as sensitive. What do I need to take or do to insure the correction of the curve and the minor pain on the side of the break and testes? I also would like to know how I can gain my normal size back. All of this happened over ten years ago. I was too scared to go to the doctor back then and now I am worried. Please help me...


Until the dawn of modern biology, men have been in awe of the penis.

You Shouldn't Give 'Errr Any More, Captain

Flaccid, it's amazingly flexible. Erect, it can grow to amazing length and girth, seemingly unrelated to its non-aroused state. But mysteries remained, such as, “how can the penis become so big and hard when it doesn't have any bones or muscles like the other limbs?” In the course of pushing the limits of the flesh (most often either their own or their partners'), men have discovered that the “rod of power” can, in fact, be broken. How is this possible?

Flooding The Chambers

For human males, achieving an erection requires forcing blood into spongy tissues called the corpus cavernosum and corpus spongiosum, and keeping it there until ejaculation/orgasm. The corpus cavernosum is actually a pair of tubes on either side of your penis, filled with inflatable tissues that hold a large volume of blood at considerable hydraulic pressure to form an erection.

It's a lot like an air-mattress, in that you can fold some deflated models down small enough to fit in your pocket, but pumping it up produces something not only larger than your whole body, but strong enough to hold that body a few inches off the ground for hours. It's possible to damage one of the corpus cavernosum while leaving the other intact. This is the cause of your extreme curvature and decreased length: when one of the two tubes becomes erect without the other providing counter-pressure, your penis will naturally curve toward the damaged side.

The corpus spongiosum surrounds your urethra to keep it from collapsing under the pressure. This is how your semen can get through the urethra despite the strong pressure on it from the corpus cavernosum.

On a more subtle level, you need to restore the balance of certain hormone levels. You have an excess of prostaglandin E-2 and a serious deficiency of prostaglandin E-1 and E-3. E-2 normally keeps your blood vessels dilated, but too much of it in your system for too long makes other tissues swell up, impeding their function as well as blood flow. E-1 helps make sure that your tissues “snap back” after being stretched, and E-3 is a vasoconstrictor that essentially counteracts the effects of E-2.

Damage Control

The first and most important step is to give your body the time and nutrients it needs to heal. Optimally, you should go without sex or masturbation for at least three solid weeks, but any reduction will help. Next, carefully practice the Reverse V Hook technique for no more than the recommended maximum amount of time, and no more often than twice per day; this will help increase blood flow through the damaged areas, which will in turn help speed your recovery. You should talk things over with your health-care provider so you can have an expert opinion and proper monitoring of your progress.

You might also consider taking an all-natural herbal supplement (SEE: Penis Trauma Herbal Treatment) designed specifically to help break down the scar-tissue inside your penis that affects your erection, as well as replenishing your hormone-supplying glands, repairing the damaged nerves in your genitals and generally repairing the soft-tissue damage you've been suffering.

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观看次数: 82


笔记编号: 59874

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