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Infertilidad masculina
Dolor y lesión testicular
Dolor y lesiones del pene
Bajo deseo sexual
Masturbación excesiva
Erección débil
Agrandamiento de la próstata
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Tingling and Needing To Tinkle After Sex

Here's a guy who masturbates and experiences little sensitivity, but sex leaves him too sensitive for a second round. What's going on? Read on, get the facts, and find out what you can do if the symptoms sound familiar.

Case #: 1152


After I have sex, I have severe pain near the tip of my penis; however, when I masturbate, I experience no pain. As soon as I ejaculate, my penis becomes way too sensitive for sex, and the pain can last between 24 and 48 hours upon ejaculating. I too urinate constantly throughout the day.

I have visited urologists, and even they can't find anything wrong with me. I have had physicals and even ultrasounds. Is there anything I can do to prevent the pain?


The good news is that your penis and testicles are probably fine; the bad news, your prostate gland may be the trouble. This important little gland sits below your bladder and wraps around your urethra, the tube that carries urine and semen out from the tip of the penis.

Squeezing Inside

The prostate serves several jobs, including the production of hormones and prostatic fluid. This clear or milky-white colored solution accounts for half to three-quarters of the contents that makeup an ejaculation. More importantly, the solution protects sperm cells in a mildly acidic environment that is a woman's vagina, giving sperm a better chance to survive and to fertilize an egg.

Measuring larger than a walnut and weighing around 21 grams, the prostate can steadily increase in size and weight. But why is the prostate such a problem? When it grows, it expands outward, which presses against the bottom of the bladder, and inward, which compresses the urethra to disrupt the flow of urine.

Source of The Damage

Prostate enlargement can occur from aging, but also from excessive sexual activity, either from masturbation or intercourse. In this particular case, excessive stimulation of your prostate produced too much prostaglandin E-2, a hormone that normally makes your blood vessels larger in a process called “vasodilatation.” When levels of the hormone become too high, it can make the tissues around the blood vessels swell up and squeeze the vessels tighter.

Those irritating sensations you describe last for the next day or two because your prostate continues to produce prostaglandin E-2 and because your adrenal gland creates too much adrenalin, two issues that lead to the constriction of blood vessels and the subsequent pain.

Time For A Break

Your first step should be to ease off on sex and masturbation for about three weeks. This is not to say that your girlfriend needs to feel frustrated and lonely; the Finger Plier Screwing Technique will help keep her happy while your prostate recovers.

Your healthcare provider will have several useful ideas for you to consider. For example, expert monitoring and adjustments should help. Until you speak with a provider, eat more fresh vegetables, especially cruciferous ones like cauliflower, broccoli and tomatoes. Start a moderate exercise regimen and drink healthy amounts of fresh water to eliminate waste from your system. You should also consider taking an all-natural herbal supplement designed specifically to help repair your damaged prostate without affecting your erections. (SEE: Prostate Rejuvenation for Erection Difficulties)

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Blog ID: 59846

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