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Infertilidad masculina
Dolor y lesión testicular
Dolor y lesiones del pene
Bajo deseo sexual
Masturbación excesiva
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Always Tired? Time To Get Energy Drink For Your Mitochondria

Masturbation Linked to Fatigue

Adolescents are curious. Some ask outlandish questions; others do ludicrous acts. What they all do is explore. Some search the Internet for answers. Others tends to just ask adults. Around puberty, the curiosity and exploration seems to be focused on the body. Some will peruse around the genitals touching, grabbing, and stroking their penises or vaginas. Others will start to masturbate.

What It Is Formulated To Do:
  • Help to recover adrenal & mitochondria fatigue
  • Increased liver and kidney function for the detoxification process
  • Relieved sexual exhaustion caused by excessive masturbation
  • Reduced muscle recuperation cycle, and improved stamina and endurance.
  • Enhanced immune system
Formulated To Fix Adrenal & Mitochondria Fatigue Based On These Healing Herbs: 
Masturbation Can Lead to…

Masturbate, it’s okay. Masturbate five, six, seven times a day and then it’s a problem. Abusive masturbation before puberty can cause chronic fatigue and soreness that can plague an adult later in life. Chronic fatigue and soreness, known as mitochondria fatigue or exhaustion, resembles a bad cold or flu: the illness starts off small, slowly getting worse and worse till it becomes so severe it debilitates you.

Depending on the severity of mitochondria fatigue, some people will experience fatigue or tiredness, typically after an ejaculation. Others will become moody and irritable until they are able to masturbate. Moodiness and fatigue are often caused by a decreased function in mitochondria. Mitochondria, which are tiny organs inside each cell, produces chemical energy in the body, earning the label as the “powerhouses” that fuel cells. People who suffer from sexual exhaustion have aging mitochondria, which are less efficient at converting fuel to energy and producing necessary oxidants, while healthy mitochondria keeps cells in good condition and well energized.

How Herbs Can Help

BupleurumTumeric RootFo-TiChrysanthemum, and Milk Thistle in this formula can accelerate the liver and kidney detoxification processes to expel toxins found in the body. The herbal blend can also reduce inflammation and recycle damaged mitochondria.

Other powerful herbs such as Rhodiola Rosea, American Ginseng, Panax Ginseng, Korean Ginseng, Astragalus Membranaceus, and Guarana enhance the efficiency of mitochondria through enzymatic and molecular actions. A rejuvenated endocrine systems and a balanced production of essential hormones from the thyroid, pituitary, and adrenal glands can help you recover from both adrenal & mitochondria fatigue.

[More Details +]

Views: 207


Blog ID: 59825

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