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Love to Masturbate? Say Goodbye to Memory and Concentration

Masturbation was causing him to suffer from diminished memory and concentration. Is this happening to you as well? Learn what you can do about it.

Case #: 751


I cannot concentrate to save my life. I have a high-stress job that requires intense critical thinking. And for someone in my position, I need to remember assignments and deadlines. I notice that after a few days removed from masturbation, my memory improves. When I masturbate in excess, I notice my concentration ebbs. Please help me improve my memory.


Once you hit 30, your memory and concentration naturally start to get a bit sketchy, but over-masturbation can accelerate and exacerbate the process. One minute you're forgetting your keys, the next you're trying to remember the combination to your locker at the gym, and the next you're attempting to recall what course of events led you to lie naked in a locked storage shed with only an hourglass and a bottle of pills at your side (okay, hopefully that last one doesn't apply to you).

Your high-stress job, for which you require razor sharp concentration, may be the very trigger that's causing you to masturbate so much in the first place. It's a catch 22. Your diminishing cognitive functions are making an already stressful job even more difficult, and your high levels of stress are causing you to seek a constant release, thereby draining your memory even more.

First and foremost, you need to focus on stress management and take control of the chronic masturbation. Otherwise, you may find yourself out on the streets unable to remember why they fired you in the first place.

The Science of Memory and Masturbation

The part of your brain responsible for spatial navigation and long-term memory is known as the hippocampus. Over-masturbation causes glucocorticoids in your body start to wreak havoc on your hippocampus, which leads to cognitive impairment. Furthermore, the activity causes excessive pro-oxidant proteins to damage brain cells.

Finally, you're most likely experiencing a deficiency of acetylcholine due to years of chronic masturbation. Acetylcholine is one of your most important neurotransmitters, as it plays a major role in managing your central nervous system. When you masturbate like a hormonally tortured teenager, your central nervous system is one of the first things to feel the sting. That's not to suggest that masturbation is bad, but too much of it can definitely fry your brain like those creepy old “This is your brain on drugs” commercials.”

Restoring the Brain Power

In addition to scaling back on the masturbation, I would recommend an herbal remedy designed to restore cognitive function. (SEE: Herbal Remedy For Enhanced Brain Function) For instance, Acetyl-L-Carnitine and Gingko help to restore memory by increasing the amount of acetylcholine in your body, while Gotu Kola improves oxygen to the brain and Astragalus reverses the effects of sexual exhaustion. Without a properly functioning brain, your penis is just a weird-looking growth between your legs, so take care of both organs, and restore your concentration.

[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 59681

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