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Pain and Humiliation From Over Masturbation

Here's a guy who spent almost 30 years masturbating, only to find himself with chronic physical pain in his genitals and in danger of losing his wife. What happened? Read on, get the facts, and find out what you can do if you face a similar situation.

Case #: 942


Without waste of your time, I will get straight to the point. It is about 28 years today that I have been self-sexually abusing myself in over-masturbating, over-ejaculating/sperms (about three times a day). Now, I have been having the problem of chronic waist pain after ejaculation. I'm now scared of performing the sex act with my wife because of the pain and my wife is threatening to go out and commit adultery. I don't want to lose my wife and my marriage. Right now, I can't even stand up erect like I use to do in the past because of the chronic pain I feel at the waist and inside of my sexual organs (severely very painful). I have lost alignment. Doctor, what shall I do?


Masturbation is probably one of the most popular “hobbies” around the world and throughout history. After all, it's cheap, carries no risk of catching a disease, and there's no risk of rejection. But is it really such a wonderful thing?

Overdrawn At The Sperm Bank

Like many other good things in life, it works best when used in moderation. It can help resurrect a good mood and let you learn a few things about yourself. However, just because you don't see an obvious price tag doesn't mean that there isn't one.

Presenting: The Bill For Your Fun

Masturbation and sex both require a complicated series of chemical, physical and hormonal events, each enabling the next to take place at all. You need nitric oxide to spark your erection, testosterone to fuel it, prostaglandin E-2 to dilate the blood-vessels to allow your corpus spongiosum and corpus cavernosum to take in the blood supply, and so on.

After the ejaculation and orgasm, your body has waste products that need to be cleaned up, and basic supplies to be replenished. Think of the situation as very similar to a restaurant that's been rented out for a big party. The guests dance and sing and eat and drink and have a great time, but generally make a mess and leave the boring stuff up to the staff.

The fact that you've managed a daily masturbation session for as long as you have means that you're racking up a much larger repair bill, one that requires more than money to pay off.

What Did I Do To Myself?

The process of ejaculation burns up a lot of nutrients to create chemicals and hormones and general energy. Problems arise when you fail to replenish these nutrients as fast or faster than your masturbation uses them up, because not one of them are exclusively used for orgasms.

Testosterone regulates bone growth as well as fueling your erections; you need nitric oxide for all kinds of cellular functions, and so on. Your “cleanup” organs (the liver and kidneys) can only handle so much waste at any given moment, which means that constantly dumping cortisol and prostaglandin E-2 and other post-ejaculation waste products into your system faster than your filtering organs can eliminate them will cause a buildup. If you think a trash-collector strike is bad, wait until you see what can happen when your liver and kidneys fall too far behind on their jobs.

What Does A Return To Health Cost?

First of all, you're going to have to stop masturbating for at least three solid weeks. Your sexual organs are severely exhausted and they need a “time out” in order to fully repair themselves. This is not to say that your wife has to go completely without pleasure; we recommend the Finger Plier Screwing Technique as a start to help keep her happy, then exploring other ways to pleasure her while your genitals recover. Your health-care provider will probably tell him the same, but you should speak to him or her anyway so that a trained professional can help you monitor your progress.

Besides whatever medication your health-care provider recommends, you should also explore various other options. One is to improve your diet, which means eating more fresh vegetables. Specifically, lots of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower. You should take in more zinc, which comes from things like avocado, bamboo shoots, cashews and eggs. You also need more B-complex, which you can usually find in fresh green vegetables, lean meat, peanuts and eggs.

Another option is to start a regular, moderately-intense exercise regimen to increase your testosterone production. Be careful to stick to “just enough”, because too much can consume the testosterone you're trying to replenish.

Last but far from least, you should consider using an all-natural herbal supplement designed to help repair the damage to your tissues and nerves that your excessive masturbation has inflicted. (TRY: Penile Nerve Repair Solution) It will take time and patience, but the fact that you're working on it will probably help your wife regain some of hers.

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观看次数: 93


笔记编号: 59461

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