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Fire in the Hole – Blood in Semen Due to Overmasturbation

Let’s check out this interesting case study involving a gentleman who has been over masturbating too much, and now is witnessing bloody semen. Is this cause for alarm or is there a simple solution to this problem?

Case #: 962


I got married 6 yrs ago. Everything was normal. One day I ejaculated bloody semen with no sign of pain or other symptoms have diagnosed that my urine and everything was ok. The second problem is, when I’m erect immediately after having the ejaculation I experience penile pains, but if the ejaculation lasts a long time of having sex there is no pain. The third problem my penis sometimes erects strongly but during my efforts to insert it into the vagina it goes soft? In other days it does the thing normally. My wife is 42.


It’s been a hard day, and you need to chill out and unwind, or maybe you can’t get to sleep, and just need a little help getting tired. Whatever the reason, masturbation is a normal sexual activity that helps people to relax after a good climax, or perhaps escape to a different world where you can imagine being with your perfect sexual partner.

Help, I Can’t Stop!

All in all, masturbation on a normal cyclic frequency of 3 to 4 times a week is healthy. It’s only when one develops a dependency on it, just as you can develop an addiction for Tabaco, alcohol, or other drugs; that things start to get onto a slippery slope. Too much masturbation (overmasturbation) can bring along with it many unwanted symptoms, including sexual exhaustion, soft erections, and even penile pain and discomfort. And there is nothing more alarming than to see blood in one’s semen.

Your chronic masturbation has thrown your hormones into disarray. On one hand, you’ve depleted your Prostaglandin E1 and E3, hormones responsible for blood vessel health and maintenance. On the other, you’ve caused your body to overproduce Prostaglandin E2, which in turn causes an explosion of the enzyme COX-2. The high levels of Prostaglandin E2, which are inflammatory hormones, are not only resulting in small tears in the blood veins in your prostate, where most of your seminal fluid originates; but is also resulting in pain and discomfort.

Meanwhile, your elevated COX-2 levels are leading to ruptures in your penile veins during each ejaculation. Since your Prostaglandin E1 and E2 levels are so low, they can’t repair your veins in time before your next injurious masturbation session. In addition to this, a large amount of fatty tissue called plaque has built up around the interconnected penile chambers that normally engorge with blood, causing them to be partially blocked off; resulting in soft erections. So how do we remedy these dilemmas?

Repair Time

First of all, don’t panic. That will only cause your already unbalanced hormonal levels to deteriorate further. Not sure if you meant that you self-diagnosed, but you’ll want to check with your physician to make sure that there isn’t some more serious underlying cause associated with the blood being found in your semen. Take a break from masturbation since that is the primary cause of your maladies. When you’ve been cleared medically, then realize that you have to now break out of your chronic masturbatory habits for a few weeks, and when you do return back, only engage in it 3 to 4 times a week.

You may also be interested in taking a natural herbal formula to help accelerate your recovery. (TRY: Prostate Health Stabilizer for Active Lifestyle) They will not only help to stabilize your out-of-whack hormonal levels, but also boost your Prostaglandin E1 and E2 levels, while simultaneously lowering your inflammatory Prostaglandin E2 hormones. They can also clear out that nasty plaque blocking your penile chambers, and get you back to those hard erections. Consider this wholistic approach to being healthy again.

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观看次数: 95


笔记编号: 59287

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