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Problems coming out from testicle shrinkage

He suspected testicle shrinkage is behind his elevated estrogen level, low sex drive, and erectile dysfunction.

Case #: 41874


I am a 37 year-old man who had used steroids and cholesterol medication in the past. Now I am suffering from low libido and erectile dysfunction. I also noticed that my testicles shrunk a bit. My lab report showed elevated estrogen. What can I do to have my estrogen level to be reduced and for my free testosterone to return to normal?


The toxin residues or metabolite by-products from your prescription drugs have accumulated in your body. It seems that your liver function either decreased or you have been taken the prescription drugs for a very long period of time or the dosages are more than your liver can handle. The toxin residues have already caused harm to your testicles. Also interfered your production of testosterone or has an effect on aromatase enzyme that resulted in elevated estrogen level.

One of the critical functions of testicles is to produce testosterone, the drive behind your passion for sex and power your erection. Testicles do shrink as the part of natural aging and usually started happening for people over 60 years old. For a healthy person that practice testicular massage regularly, testicle shrinkage should not occurred at all. Take herbs from Botanical Testicular Revitalization Formula to help you restore your testicle size back.

Herbs from Botanical Testicular Revitalization Formula contain Achyranthes root, Cnidium, and Morinda that are known to increase peripheral vascular blood flow in the genital and testicular region. Achyranthes root also known as Niu Xi is a famous Chinese herb that can reduce blood stagnation or resolve accumulation in the testis.

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Blog ID: 59016

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