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Prostate Pain after Smoking Pot

Chronic masturbation and marijuana might be behind his prostate discomfort.

Case #: 103


I started masturbation when I was 13 years old. It started as a curiosity. I am not a horny boy back then. But the masturbation addiction is a nasty habit to kick out. For the last 7 years, I have used I have used marijuana very rarely, but I do drink 2 beer cans every night to help me sleep. I started notice occasional prostate pain around 20 years old. I called my family doctor about it. My doctors told me that it’s too early to have BPH or prostate cancer, but encouraged me for a PSA test. My school insurance expired after I left college to work. I will get a PSA test when I get my insurance back. I think marijuana has something to do with my prostate, because it became obvious I usually experienced prostate pain after smoking the pot.


Marijuana abuse raises the level of the inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E-2 in the body which can constricting blood flow and induce inflammation to the prostate regions creating sharp pain. In additional to prostate pain, other symptoms such as headaches, blurred vision, and sleep disorder are often accompany the patients.

You should quit marijuana as soon as possible, before it created permanent damage to your brain by enlarge brain cavities, brain cell death, and brain hemorrhage. You might not know the reason the addiction is so hard to kick, is once marijuana's chemicals take over the inter-neurons or synapses, it is very difficult to flush it from the brain and nervous system. After prolonged use, this scale of nervous system destruction can potentially lead to permanent impotence. In addition, a man may fail to achieve orgasm due to the acetylcholine deficiency in the sympathetic ganglions and adrenal medulla.

Take herbs from Exhaustion Recovery For Your Prostate, to help you gradually rejuvenate your neuro-endocrine function and boost your prostaglandin E-1 & E-3 and increase nitric oxide production for healing. Many herbs in this formula, such as Urtica Dioca, Saw Palmetto, Pygeum, and Lycopene have anti-inflammatory phyto-nutrirents that are critical for prostate-specific health benefits. Other herbs in this formula provide nature's richest herbal source of 5-LO inhibitors and prevent excessive buildup of DHT – these chemicals are contributing factors to your prostate problems.

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Blog ID: 58814

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