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The Review on Various Natural Birth Control Methodologies

She is seeking an alternative to birth control medications for his daughters. Here are choices of Natural Contraceptives recommended.

Case #: 32034


I have been searching for many alternatives to the birth control pills, in the light of the information and feedbacks posted on the web about birth control pills as the cause behind low libido and various side effects.

I have 2 teenage daughters growing up and eagerly looking for a various safe and effective birth control for them to avoid any harmful side effects. Can you please discuss about natural birth control methods.


The birth control issue is complicated. If you want to use natural methods without pills, injection or implant, you need a stable relationship, have a regular menstrual cycle more or less, and are willing to have some inconveniences. Remember, at any time when male discharges precum during sex, it might contain a small amount of viable sperm in there. So be sure to have the protection like condom or applying spermicidal jelly to the vagina before penetrating.

Some women chose to use birth control pill or injection because her period is irregular and unpredictable. Some women feared that her partner is very irresponsible person and would not have condom with them. Or have an unsafe sex history that would have sexual preference of not having wearing a condom. To counteract the side effects of birth control pills, you can consume soy products and detox your body from time to time. Liver detoxification can avoid the impact of birth control chemicals on sexual functions.

There are many other natural birth control measures such as CycleBeads, Condoms for both male and female, Vaginal Contraceptive Sponge, Vaginal Ring, Diaphragm, and Cervical Cap. Detail usage, PRO and CON are described in Natural Methods of Birth Control. Study them to see which one would fit your need.

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Blog ID: 58745

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