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Is Prostaglandin E-1 Responsible For My Girlfriend's Vaginal Abrasion & Intercourse Pains

His girlfriend experiences pain during intercourse that leaves abrasions on her vagina. This pain is caused by birth control, which interferes with her body’s natural production of sex hormones.

Case #: 493


I wrote you about the vaginal abrasions my girlfriend gets when we have sex.

You responded: I don’t think she has herpes, but a vaginal abrasion due to a lack of the relaxant prostaglandin E-1. It seems she is on progesterone-based birth control pills/shot/implant.

I have some questions: What is the relaxant prostaglandin E-1? My girlfriend takes birth control which I think is a progesterone-based birth control pill. What does the birth control have to do with the abrasions? Also, my girlfriend has one kidney and high-blood pressure, so what would be best for her? Please give me a good answer so I can do anything to fix this.


Approximately 20 million women in America suffer from vaginal pain at some point in their lives. The number one cause is hormonal contraceptives, particularly newer formulations with very low estrogen. This is not to say birth control is bad – its place in society is undeniable – but some sexual side effects can take away from a woman’s quality of life.

Unspoken Side Effects of Birth Control

Progesterone-based birth control pills – also called “mini pills” – do not contain the traditional combination of estrogen and progestin. They instead contain only progestin, a synthetic form of the progesterone hormone female bodies naturally produce. Progesterone is crucial to maintaining sound reproductive health and regulating the menstrual cycle. It also plays a critical role during pregnancy.

Mini pills are commonly prescribed for women who have experienced negative side effects from estrogen. But progestin is not infallible; it works not on reproductive organs but in the brain – the primary location of receptors and hormones involved with reproductive functions. This interaction, which also prevents pregnancy, creates many of the unwanted side effects associated with hormonal contraceptives.

PGE-1 and the Female Body

Progestin first and foremost alters the body’s natural hormone levels, including that of the chemical prostaglandin E-1 (PGE-1). PGE-1 is part of a group of compounds responsible for contracting and relaxing muscles. Unlike most hormones, PGE-1 is regulated exactly where it’s secreted at many different points in the body.

One of the roles of PGE-1 is to help vaginal muscles stretch and contract during sex. Without this chemical, pain ensues and is particularly noticeable during climax. Progestin also interferes with the body’s ability to produce natural lubrication, which again causes painful intercourse. Further pain is caused when the thin, delicate skin surrounding the vagina is irritated from the friction created by dry sex. Abrasions are likely to form on the skin as a result of the irritation.

Preventing Painful Sex

The first step is to heal the vaginal abrasions, which can be done by applying coconut oil to the affected area, abstain from sex until the abrasions are completely healed and stop smoking – this can increase vaginal dryness and impede the healing process. It is also important to prevent infection by wearing loose, cotton underwear and eating foods like yogurt that contain friendly bacteria.

An herbal formula will stop painful intercourse and restore the vagina to a healthy state. Ingredients like Fenugreek and Dong Quai help expel chemicals from the body, while Mexican Wild Yam helps the body increase production of PGE-1. The result is improved muscle mobility, greater lubrication and heightened pleasure during sex without additional burden to the kidneys or liver.

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观看次数: 69


笔记编号: 58657

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