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Incidental Premature Ejaculation: Too Quick or Just Too Excited?

Jim is about to have sex with his crush, Nadia. He’s nervous. He’s so nervous that his voice cracks. His movements seem stiff. His confidence seems non-existence. As Jim penetrates Nadia, the excitement and anxiety he feels causes him to orgasm instantly. Embarrassed by his disastrous first attempt, Jim sits in misery, apologizing to his partner.


This iconic scene from “American Pie” describes the anxiety—and embarrassment--most men feel when they have not satisfied their lovers. And throughout the canon of the movie series, Jim does improve his sexual ineptitude, but still, the scene does an excellent job at describing an issue common among males—premature ejaculation
What's Considered Too Fast?
Sex is a marathon, not a race. The above-mentioned causes describe sensitivity issues that lead to an ejaculation because of hypersensitivity. For some men, time may be a reasons for why they tend to ejaculate faster than they normally do. 

Severity Levels
ModerateEjaculates within 20 minutesCalm Pills for Hyperactive Aroused Premature Ejaculation strengthens the parasympathic sexual nerves and ejaculation ducts, the two main causes of early ejaculation.
BadEjaculates within 10 minutesClimax Control Herbs & Pills For Healthy Nerve Cell Signaling benefits males by stopping premature ejaculation and by calming the nerves that reduce performance anxiety.
SevereEjaculates within 5 minutesHerbal Nourishing Pills for Ejaculatory Nerves & Premature Ejaculation works to modulate serotonin, dopamine, DHT, DHEA and GABA levels to minimize performance anxiety problems.
About an Ejaculation
Jim's sexual ineptitude was an isolated instance. And he, like 80 percent of men, will experience a few instances of premature ejaculation. According to the Boston Medical Group, ejaculation, like urine, can be controlled.

For men, however, controlling an ejaculation will heavily depend on the threshold of stimulation to the penis. And because chemistry or physical makeup of the body will alter the stimulation threshold, men must eliminate the causes that exacerbate premature ejaculation. Men who experience consistent hypersensitivity problems because of a lowered stimulation threshold may be suffering from persistent ejaculation, not incidental. 
According to the Boston Medical Group, physiological factors can affect an ejaculation, but mostly, the threshold to sensitivity will determine how quickly a man orgasms. Males may suffer from an isolated instance, which should not be a major concern. 

If you rapidly ejaculated persistently, it means that there are deeper underlying causes other than just being too turned on (see all causes). Take action to fix it, before it become a Persistent Premature Ejaculation and stayed permanently.

Reasons for Incidental Ejaculation
Incidental ejaculation occurs because of an isolated instance that causes a quicker orgasm. These reasons are not severe, but they can happen from time to time. Causes for incidental ejaculation include:
  • Environment or life changes - Personal incidents, i.e. job changes, a new partner, or stress from school or work, can unexpectedly cause a premature ejaculation. These changes can cause hyperactive arousal, resulting in sudden, often embarrassing, moments of orgasmic euphoria.
  • Diet and Drinks - Certain foods and drinks can temporary alter the chemistry of the body. 
  • Abstinence-- The threshold to endure sexual arousal can be reduced by long-term abstinence. Whenever the body is aroused by sex hormones, the body is more likely to respond faster to stimulation. Abstinence can alter the ability of the body to sense the "point of no return," the moment when an ejaculation becomes inevitable. 
  • You are a beginner to sex - Limited experience can lower the threshold of an ejaculation.
Prepare Emotionally
Whether you’re a veteran or a novice at sex, men should mentally prepare for the moment they experience an incidental ejaculation. Remember, incidental premature ejaculation happens to even the most experienced men, so do not be so harsh on yourself if your performance is not up to par. (More: 5 Surprising FactsMyths, & Tips)
If you allow yourself to be traumatized by a poor performance, your future performance will also suffer. Be confident in your abilities, and never let one poor performance ruin your entire sex life.

Experiencing Premature Ejaculations? Find Out How Our Experts and Community Can Help You.
By sharing your comments and concerns on the following fourm topic, Herballove experts and community members can offer tips, proper diet advice and products for resolving your P.E. problems. If you have a comment or concern, please sign in or registerto post your opinions on the forums. If you want to recover, the following information can prove vital:   
  • left top no-repeat;">How often do you masturbate? How many times a week?
  • How long do you last during sex?
  • How much alcohol do you consume during the week?
  • How many times do you smoke tobacco or marijuana?
  • How old are you?
  • What medications are you currently take?
  • How many cups of coffee do you drink a day?
  • Have you ever had a vasectomy?
  • Do you experience weak erections? If so, do you notice them during sex, masturbation or both?
  • Have you ever been diagnosed with a thyroid disorder?
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Views: 693

Ideas: Men's ,Premature Ejaculation

GuideID: 62472

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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