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Infertilidad masculina
Dolor y lesión testicular
Dolor y lesiones del pene
Bajo deseo sexual
Masturbación excesiva
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Agrandamiento de la próstata
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Ouch! Injury To The Penis Is A Hurtful Cause Of Impotence
An obvious and possibly most feared potential cause of impotence is an injury to the penis. A bruised or painful penis can result from a penis fracture, which makes it virtually impossible to engage in sexual activity.
A penis fracture typically occurs when there is trauma to the erect penis, resulting in a rupture of the cylinder lining. This is a very painful injury and is often accompanied by an audible cracking sound, followed immediately by dark bruising of the penis due to blood escaping the cylinder.
This is an almost unmistakable injury. In fact, a misdiagnosis is virtually impossible. The distressing sound of cracking alone should set off ‘bells and whistles’ alarming one to the severity of what has just happened. If for some reason the unmistakable sound was unheard because it was lost among other noises in the room, the excruciating pain and extreme black and blue bruising will certainly raise an eyebrow of concern.
It is known that almost all penile injuries or fractures immediately result in a loss of erection. If your fracture or injury is left untreated, to heal on its own, you will most assuredly continue to struggle with impotence.
It should go without saying that you should seek medical help immediately upon sustaining an injury to the penis. Depending on the nature or severity of the injury, anything from rest to surgery may be employed to treat the matter. Despite general healing, bouts of impotency may persist. This is not uncommon and it easily treated with Penile Pain & Nerve Rejuvenation Remedy.
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GuideID: 62166

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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