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Acne Attack Versus Masturbation

Who would ever think that acne may be caused by over masturbation? One recent release from the online dermatologist study of 2012 showed that three out of every ten teenagers suffer from acne and of that number, 1 percent suffer as a result of excessive release of sex hormone!

Armed with reliable information and ammunition for the cure, we will go skin-deep to explore and unearth the facts about over masturbation and its acne causing effect. We will then face-off with the symptoms of this attack. Once we find the right cure, the battle will be won and we will be able to understand how to prevent further facial attack. Our fight starts now with the definition of acne.

Acne Breakouts
They say that first impressions always last, but when you attend an interview battling breakouts, it certainly takes away your self confidence. That is why it is important to understand what acne is. Acne is a skin condition that causes pimples, breakouts, lumps, blackheads and whiteheads. It is commonly found on the face, neck, upper arms and shoulders.
There are many reasons acne launches attacks and wage wars on our bodies. The more common causes are bacteria, clogged pores caused by dirt, over-sensitive makeup, sweat and stress. All of these factors stem from physical reactions but Masturbation does contribute to some extent. We will take a closer look at how sex plays its part in robbing persons of the confidence they should have when dealing with the public.
The Cause of Over Masturbation 
When we find ourselves faced with outbreaks of acne, we usually have no idea that it is the things we do behind closed doors that come right back in our face (no pun intended). The fact is, over masturbation does cause adrenal fatigue.

The adrenal gland is responsible for the production of chemicals to assist in the making of estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, DHEA and other hormones.
These hormones respond to reactions such as sex, stress, anger, fear and excitement. The immune system depends on these hormones and when they fail to regulate, the purpose of the immunity against bacteria on the skins becomes a futile battle. It then becomes difficult to control breakouts on the surface of the skin. One may ask, with are so many possible symptoms of skin breakouts, How do we know that this is acne? We will scrub the surface more to loosen and allay all the doubts as we identify the symptoms of acne.
The Symptoms
Acne triggered by an over worked adrenal gland cannot be proven but what is evident are the direct symptoms of acne. Fortunately, acne is the outcome of many conditions so we don’t have to think hard how to deal with it. The most important thing is to get rid of it or treat it. The symptoms behind acne are as follows:
  • Irritated skin
  • Breakouts
  • Pimples
  • Lumps under the skin
  • Itchy bumps
  • Appearance of whiteheads and blackheads
  • Excessive oil on skin surface
The above symptoms can appear with multiple or single characters. The more we take it seriously, the better it is to find the right treatment for this condition. Acne could be the result of many pre-existing conditions that affects the body but since we have found one of the causes and have identified the symptoms, we can now arm ourselves accordingly to tackle this facial menace. Once such treatment is herbal remedies.
The Cure the Herbal Way
The wanton attack on our skin due to over masturbation is now over as we have found the cure for acne. Some may ask, “Why go herbal?” the best answer is; because there are no side effects, it is natural and most important; it restores the natural functioning of the body. These treatments are also hypoallergenic which is good owing to the fact that acne is the result of a reaction.
  • Burpleurum
  • Dong Qui
  • Mexican Wild Yam
  • Rehmannia
Acne and Masturbation has always been synonymous among teenagers and adolescents and the battle between the two has always been for supremacy. However, the one that has always stood out was acne, because it is the first thing that is usually obvious. Meanwhile, over masturbation is the cause and still remains the hidden but deadly foe.

Ironically, both have formed symbiotic forces to fight human nature and the pleasure and exuberance of one, causes the outbreak of another!

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