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Chillax, it's Smilax - Let the herb Smilax Glabra Rhizoma put you at ease

For centuries, Smilax Glabra Rhizoma has been used in China as a detoxification agent to treat sexually transmitted diseases (like syphilis). Its recorded use in history dates back to approximately the 5th century A.D. It has been prescribed to heal gout in Latin America, and contains at least four phytosterols that feature wide-ranging curing properties. It also is a source of carotenoids, amino acids, minerals, and vitamins that work synergistically to support the prostate health of men. In this capacity, it is included in such natural remedies as the Advanced Botantical Tincture For Painful Prostatis. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Smilax Glabra Rhizoma is used to treat an additional variety of urinary conditions, such as urinary tract infections and related cyst growth.
Smilax plants grow as shrubs that are distinguished by their dense impenetrable thickets. They can actually transcend other tall trees and plants by growing up to 32 feet high, their thorny vines allowing them to cling to, and grow over, long branches. It is the Smilax root that is primarily used for medicinal purposes. It is tubular and long, and extends up to six to eight feet under the soil. It is odorless and nearly tasteless. Its primary contents include saponin, tannin, alkaloids, volatile oils, and sitosterol.
In herbal medicine, Smilax Glabra Rhizoma is usually combined with other herbs to form a synergy that will enhance its tonic, detoxifying, and blood purifying abilities. It is often found as an ingredient in various herbal remedies designed to treat low sex drive and is even a common ingredient in sports nutrition formulas. In addition, Smilax is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis. It is said to provide relief from painful and irregular menstruation, and to treat fibroids and cysts that may develop in women. Besides internal uses, Smilax may also be applied externally by TCM doctors where it can be effective in treating skin disorder conditions such as skin ulcers and psoriasis.

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Views: 269

Ideas: Men's, Low Sex Drive, Prostatitis

GuideID: 62081

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