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Double Down Downtown: How to Improve Sex for Both of You At Once with A Magical Cock Ring
Sometimes sex isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Age, stress, hormones…all kinds of things can get in the way of our having a good time. And it’s not just women who are left in the dust. Men, too, can feel bored and disappointed—even with a sexy, beautiful woman. That’s because sex is more than just insert Tab A into Slot B. Many sexual adventurers crave more excitement in bed through fantasy or bondage, or even just more titillating sex in general.
Buddy Up
Often, the problem is the partner. It’s such a letdown when everything else is so perfect in a relationship, and then sex comes into it and you wonder how things can possibly work out with this person. If you’re well matched sexually, the relationship seems to unfold in front of you.
Talk It Out
Communication is certainly the most important part of having a healthy sex life. Partners can come to a sexual understanding, so long as they’re able to discuss it openly and without fear of embarrassment or censure from their partners. In long-term relationships, this type of discussion is invaluable for many reasons. However, when both know it’s just a short time affair, how does one gain the most enjoyment out of a situation in which it’s not worth it to open the proverbial can of worms?
Sex Typical
I’ve met a lot of horny guys whilst traveling. Each has different techniques for how to deal with sex and women. Some love sex so much that any experience is great for them, or they know how to make it great for themselves. I sometimes wonder if these types of men just have low sexual standards, but I think it’s more that they’re just exceptional lovers—able to give and take in a way that mutually benefits. These are not the men who are bored with sex.
Then there are men who take what they want, without considering the woman. They assume that because she’s giving herself over to them, she doesn’t have any self-regard. After seeing her for a few times, if they’re not interested, they’ll just avoid her, without giving any sort of reason or explanation, as easily as changing shoes. These men might not be enjoying sex, but they only stay around long enough until it becomes too stale to endure.
Finally there are the nice guys. They take up with women, treat them well, and end up having sex, but not all of them are pleased with the results. As one said to me, “It’s not good to be with someone who can’t keep up in bed, or keep up her end of the conversation afterwards. It’s better to not start at all.” They’re too nice to stop seeing the woman, but the sex is lackluster, and the company might be as well. These are the ones who need to shake things up.
Shake, Rattle, and Roll
It’s to you men that I recommend a dual-sided cock ring. These rings are a great way to bring interest into even the dullest of sexual encounters, and increase pleasure for both men and women. Cock rings by nature trap blood inside the penis, resulting in greater sensation for men—as a blood engorged penis has more surface area exposed—and in more intense pleasure for women. However, dual-headed cock rings take that idea two steps further.
Tingle for Two
In these types of toys, there is a small vibrator appended to both sides of the ring. Why two instead of one? (SEE: Dual Cock Rings for a Couples Pleasure) Well, the woman gets hers and the man gets his. Imagine a small vibrator resting against the bottom of a penis and scrotum. The sensation is immense. The vibrator on the top ensures that the woman also gets a taste. Everyone is happy. Sex is above average. For all you nice boys and girls out there, if you’re going to stay, at least have it be worthwhile in bed.
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Views: 163

Ideas: Men'sWeak Erection,Women'sOrgasm Difficulty,Sex Typical

GuideID: 62079

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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