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Fungal Funk - Penile Odor Caused by Yeast Infections
John and Heather Matheson lived an idyllic marriage for the past three years. He brought home the bacon with a position at a nearby financial firm, and she operated an arts and crafts business out of their home. They’d been planning on having their first child …just as soon as he received his first raise. Their sex life cooled off from the early days of their relationship, but lovemaking remained steamy when compared to what Heather’s married women-friends experienced.
Long John Stinker’s
Heather and her husband would occasionally meet at home for “lunch” for a little “nooner-nookie.” One day, after engaging in one of their midday hanky-panky sessions, Heather noticed an unpleasant odor coming from her husband’s penis. In the coming days, John also started noticing the stench until it became an obvious acrid stench. Then the discharge started occurring; whether at home, work, or just driving down the street, he experienced yellowish leakage coming from his penis. Because of the amount of stress he was under—mortgage, office politics, home life--John snidely accused his wife of “messing around.” His wife retorted by saying it was his own fault, calling his penis a “Gorton’s Fish-Dick” and telling him that she didn’t share any of his discharge problems.
They both got medically tested and the results showed he had a yeast infection, likely caused by antibiotics from a previous injury.
Many men can experience smelly members because of improper penile hygiene. As in John’s case, however, the smell can be something more serious. He experienced redness, irritation and discharge, signs of a yeast infection. And because germs and bacteria thrive in warm, moist places, particularly after a weakened immune system, a yeast infection can occur.
Men who suspect they contracted a yeast infection should seek medical advice. Sometimes, even after being prescribed medical drugs for a yeast infection, the smell can persist because the negative effect certain medications can have. If taking medication yields no cure, natural herbal treatment can complete the healing cycle.
The powerful properties contained within these botanical concoctions can boost the supply of natural moisturizing oils to the body, oils that can increase both penile resiliency and elasticity. These oils can also balance hormonal levels as well as alleviate the accumulation of dead skin cells and smegma buildup in the region. All of these factors can lead to a stink-free penile area and a return to a happy and non-embarrassing sex life.
So go out there tiger and get back into the swing of things.

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GuideID: 61919

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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