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Infertilidad masculina
Dolor y lesión testicular
Dolor y lesiones del pene
Bajo deseo sexual
Masturbación excesiva
Erección débil
Agrandamiento de la próstata
Eyaculación precoz
País o Región
State or Province

The Feng Shui and the Pregnant
Infertility is a serious problem for women as the inability to conceive a child can be both psychologically devastating and financially debilitating. Hope can turn into despair and anger into depression. 
Being infertile can be caused by external or internal issues, but stress too can factor into fertility. Stress levels build as time drags on, adding to the problem, be it physical or emotional. 
Natural methods to cure infertility, recommended by a large percentage of the medical community, are thought to be the best remedy to try before going on to drugs and fertility treatments. The Chinese principle of Feng Shui, used more and more in modern-day medicine, synchronize energy flow to increase fertility chances.
The Basics of Feng Shui
Feng Shui basically is the art of making the energy flow (qi ) of your home and office surroundings fall in harmony with nature. The results hopefully lead to a home with a basis for not only good physical health, but one with emotional and spiritual well-being as well.
Our bodies respond to the environment in which they are placed—clutter, misaligned or mismatched furniture and lack of color can all lead to stress and high anxiety levels. The simple act of rearranging furniture can give the appearance of a larger living space. Doorways in particular need to be clear of impediments—if a hinge is broken, repair it. 
Adding attractive corresponding colors throughout your home can make it a brighter and more welcoming. Ensure the color scheme align to your own tastes and the likes of family and friends. Too much of any color can yield an awkward pattern. Even shades—black or white—need to be limited.
Replacing and repairing your electrical system—your home’s physical qi—can result in not only a safer, more efficient place to live, but eases the energy flow and lets its occupants be more focused. Replacing blown light bulbs and faulty wiring are two things that can make a major difference. A colored bulb used in certain areas, along with a dimmer light, can change the entire look of an area.

The advantages of following Feng Shui are twofold. A clean, uncluttered, safe home is good for the occupants and any guests they may have, but it is also an important part of the preparation for bringing home the baby is born. And when collated with herbal supplements, women can greatly improve a fertility odds.

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GuideID: 61826

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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