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Garlic Thyme Rub - Healthy Cuisine Recipes for Heart Problems

Garlic Thyme Rub is a perfect herbal compliment that can have a delicious flavor ranging from subtle to strong depending upon how long you let it marinate. For a profound kick, you can take the time to anoint the Garlic Thyme rub into the meat of choice for a good hour or so before cooking. This rub can be made with either fresh or dried herbs, depending on season.


1 teaspoon thyme leaf
1 teaspoon rosemary leaf
1 teaspoon lemon peel granules
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1/8 teaspoon black coarse grind pepper


  1. Stir all ingredients well in a small bowl
  2. Rub onto outside of meat for at least 2 hours before cooking 


It is important to mind the ratio of one-to-three - such as one teaspoon of dried herbs to one tablespoon of fresh herbs - or you might risk having a very pungent rub that overpowers your meat in a foul manner, forcing you to discard the meal and drive you into the chaotic momentum of having to suddenly scrape up something else for your family or guests to eat.
If you have an idea for a version of this Garlic Thyme rub that differs from this recipe, just go with it! You can add some savory or sweet ingredients such as Sweet Paprika, ground Red Pepper, Orange Peel granules (dried or fresh), or fresh Lemon Peel to really make the flavor pop. Enjoy taking charge and let’s get cooking!

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GuideID: 61076

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