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Overloaded with Caffeine? Do The Buckthorn Bark Cleanse

Native to the South Eastern part of the United States, Buckthorn Bark is considered nature’s natural laxative. Aside from its benefits to the stomach, Buckthorn Bark also helps reduce anal fissures and hemorrhoids. By softening the stool, Buckthorn Bark helps reduce pressure when using the bathroom. Sure, Buckthorn Bark may be advertised as a laxative, but this herbal remedy also helps circulate blood flow, allowing the body to dispel toxins much faster.

The Cause Behind Your P.E

For men who suffer from premature ejaculation, Buckthorn Bark may prove to be a godsend. The liver’s main role is to eliminate toxic buildup. When overloaded, the liver cannot dispel all the toxins. Often, caffeine can overload the liver and cause it to work twice as hard to eliminate excess waste. Add in chronic masturbation/ejaculation, and the body will build up prolactin and prostaglandin E-2, an inflammatory hormone that damages a man’s ability to hold an ejaculation. 

Chronic masturbation & ejaculation can deplete the body of dopamine, acetylcholine, serotonin, and GABA nervous control. The loss of such neurotransmitters results in excessive norepinephrine, which produces the inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E-2. Excessive prostaglandin E-2 causes the dilapidation of the neuroimmune system and weakens the ejaculation valve. Chronic masturbation/ejaculation also proliferates the production of prolactin, a protein, which if found in excess, can lower an individual’s sexual satisfaction because of the reduction of estrogen or testosterone produced as a result of the high levels of prolactin.

Improved Blood Circulation

If the blood circulation is improved, the body can eliminate toxins faster and heal the nerve endings of the ejaculation valve to provide better control over ejaculations. Men interested in eliminating their P.E. problems should take cleanse formula containing Buckthorn Bark, along with Prickly Ash Bark and Burdock Root. These all-natural herbs help improve blood circulation and remove toxic waste build up.

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Views: 383

Ideas: Men's, Premature Ejaculation, Buckthorn Bark

GuideID: 60948

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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