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Ashwagandha - The Indian 'Miracle' Herb

Ashwagandha is cultivated primarily in the drier regions of India and Nepal. It is harvested as a late rainy-season crop that needs a relatively dry season during its growth. It gets to be just over two feet tall as a short shrub from which branches extend in a star pattern covered by wooly hairs. Its flowers are small and green and its fruit is reddish orange when rippened. The plant's long, brown, tuberous roots are used as an ayurvedic (Hindu medicinal) herb for healing purposes.
In India, the term ‘Ashwagandha’ translates to the phrase, “sweat of a horse”. There, it was believed that this tonic herb could give a man the strength and sexual vitality of the powerful animal. Later scientific analysis found that Ashwagandha actually contains natural potent molecules that resemble steroidal properties via its stamina-enhancing action and benefits.
Ashwagandha is classified as an adaptogen, as it adapts to the body’s needs and has the ability to bolster it against the rigors of modern life. This is why it is also widely known as Indian Ginseng. Just like Ginseng, Ashwagandha is often used as an energy tonic, libido and sexual potency builder, and fertility restoration agent.
This potent herb is used to treat a variety of maladies. Whenever diet imbalances, lack of sleep, or mental and physical strain lead to illness and disease, Ashwagandha works to strengthen the body’s ability to resist stress. Therefore, stress-related disorders such as performance anxiety, over masturbation, arthritis, hypertension, diabetes, and insomnia are often treated with the Indian ‘miracle’ herb. Most herbal textbooks list Ashwagandha as being very safe and non-irritating, a profound promoter of sexual energy, but not over-stimulating.
The maximum benefits of Ashwagandha can be obtained through synergistic formulas. For example, it is a key ingredient in the Migraine Natural Home Remedies remedy, where like-mannered restorative herbs such as Cnidium and Rehmannia help the body modulate and reduce stress hormones, and relieve the high-pressure headaches that often result in vertigo.

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Ideas: Men'sOver Masturbation,Women'sFemale Sexual Exhaustion,Ashwagandha

GuideID: 60934

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