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My Hair Was Growing Back Thicker And I Was Seeing Less Gray
For years I can remember looking into a mirror and brushing my thick hair. There were times I longed for thinner hair because I thought it would be easier to style and manage. A few months ago, I looked into the same mirror that has displayed my reflection for years, but was alarmed.

Gone was the thick, dark hair I was used to seeing every day. I could see parts of my scalp in some sections and I noticed that my hairline also seemed to be receding. I also appeared to be getting some gray hair. I am only 33 years old, so naturally, I was frightened and didn't know what had caused the thinning of my hair or how I could stop it from getting worse.

My Thinning Hair Causes
I began researching the cause of my thinning hair and was shocked at what I found. There were a lot of reasons for this to happen, but with my age and genetics, only one of them made sense. I was a little nervous to admit to myself what the cause really was, but I know that the first step in finding a solution to a problem is accepting the cause. It turns out, excessive masturbation was to blame for my hair trouble. Like most men, I have been masturbating since my early teens. I never thought anything of it, and always assumed I was just a normal guy.

Hidden Stress
Masturbation creates a strain on the body and even though it feels good, the body is under a lot of pressure. When the body is under stress, it releases glucocorticoids, cortisol, and DHT hormones. The DHT hormone is needed to help hair grow. If too much of it is released during excessive masturbation, it could run low.

Since I had been masturbating almost every day for the last 20 years, it made sense that my DHT hormones could be low and causing my hair to become thinner and gray. I was still worried and was not willing to accept the fact that I had to decide between healthy hair and masturbation. Why couldn't I have both?

Lower DHT
I soon found out that there are ways to treat thinning hair caused from excessive masturbation and lower DHT levels. I found that by using Shou Wu Herbs and reducing the amount of times I masturbate, I could restore my DHT and have healthy hair again. The Shou Wu Herbs help nourish the blood vessels underneath the hair follicles, which stimulates hair growth. The herbs also help strengthen and protect major organs in the body and help make me healthier overall.

Since my organs were healthier and working better and I was no longer masturbating excessively, my body was less stressed overall. The herbs allowed my body to recover quicker and gave it the time and nutrients needed to restore my DHT levels.

A few weeks after I started using the herbs, I decided to examine my hair again. I got out of bed and went to mirror and couldn't believe my eyes. I was starting to look like my old self again. My hair was growing back thicker and I was seeing less gray. I looked my age again. I am thankful everyday that I found a solution to my problem and was able to correct it before it got out of hand.

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Views: 247

Ideas: Male, excessive masturbation, sparse hair

GuideID: 60823

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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