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Runnin’ On Empty – Diminished Sex Drive Caused by Low Testosterone Levels
Does it feel like you have just lost the get-up-and-go that once made you a champion in the bedroom? The problem might be caused by a diminished sex drive due to low levels of testosterone.
Lowered sexual desires are a natural issue that all men experience at some point in their lifetimes. As men age, their bodies produce less testosterone. And with age, comes a decrease in the body’s capacity to metabolism food as fast as it once did. The combination of high percentages of fat and lowered testosterone can lead to low sex drive. 

Aging, Aromatase and 5-alpha Reductase 
It is common for aging men to experience increased activity of either aromatase or 5-alpha reductase. An excess of both cause testosterone to convert to either estradiol or dihydrotestosterone, known as DHT. An increase of DHT will lead to a reduction of testosterone necessary to fuel your sex drive. 
Certain factors and habits can increase the activity of 5-alpha reductase and DHT, while lowering testosterone, including:
• Age
• Sexual exhaustion
• Anxiety
• Stress 
• Unhealthy diet
This depletion of testosterone leads to male menopause and a weakened sex drive. 
Refilling the Tank
Natural cures for male low libido can improve your sex drive. While changing your diet and exercise habits can eliminate abdominal fat that contributes to low sex drive. Thanks to all-natural formulas, males can experience:
• Improved sex drive
• Increased blood flow to sustain erection
• Reduced DHT levels
• Enhanced production of testosterone
And thanks to herbs such as Cuscuta and Fo Ti, men can reduce the production of 5-alpha reductase. Men who take Cuscuta can also steadily and safely optimize the production of testosterone. By taking Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera), a popular Ayurvedic healing herb native to India, men can facilitate proper hormone production. 

Don’t lose hope. There is still a way to get your mojo back and become a star in the bedroom once again.

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GuideID: 60225

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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