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Turning Her On Outside of the Bedroom

Your journey toward sex can resemble an exodus, a dangerous adventure that leads to insurmountable mistakes before reaching the bedroom. Once you and your partner start having sex, you’ll want to keep it satisfying. You’ll want to avoid routines. And you’ll want to keep turning her on—inside and outside of the bedroom.

Sex, particularly memorable sex, is not solely dependent on performance in the bedroom, but on extra curricular activities that lead to love, happiness and satisfaction. Memorable sex requires sexual igniters that thrill and excite a woman beyond the traditional means of intercourse.

Sexual Igniters to Intensify Her Sexual Satisfaction

You’ve had the best sex of your life—and you want to continue the trend. Men looking to assure their partners remain satisfied may want to understand the benefit of sexual igniters.
Show Your Gratitude: Women want to be cherished. Men tend to wait for special occasions, i.e., birthdays, anniversaries or Valentine’s Day, to showcase their love, affection and gratitude. Abandon this notion. Instead, pick random days to tell her you love and appreciate all that she does. Why? This small token of your love will show her that you cherish her, and trust us, she’ll return the favor in other ways.
Place Her Needs First: Partners, especially successful ones, communicate and understand the needs of their partners. Placing her needs before your own can add to this satisfaction level. Knowing what not to do too will save you a few headaches in and out of the bedroom. Talk to her and understand what she likes and doesn’t like.
Give Her Security: Nothing is sexier than a man who can provide a woman with a sense of security—financially and emotionally. Security is more than dollars and cents; it’s emotional growth and happiness too. Ladies need to sense this security to remain happy and that happiness translates into the bedroom too.
While sexual satisfaction may end in the bedroom, it begins long before hitting the sheets. Men and women both can ignite their sexual desires outside the bedroom for an improved relationship and satisfaction level.

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Views: 233

Ideas: Men's, Sexual Wellbeing, Women'sLow Sex Drive

GuideID: 60019

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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