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Breast Implant Surgery

Breast implant surgery (breast augmentation) is the only method of making breasts larger instantly. It is obviously essential that the surgeon is reputable. Talk to your GP about it. It is very unlikely that you can have the operation on the NHS - this is normally possible only if the breast is being reconstructed after breast cancer surgery, or if one breast is very underdeveloped compared with the other. If it is to be done privately, check that the surgeon is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons and a member of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. Ask the surgeon to explain all the possible risks, and if you do not understand the explanation, ask for a clearer explanation. After your discussion with the surgeon, go home and consider the information for a few days. In fact, the official recommendation is that there should be a 'cooling-off' period of several days between seeing the surgeon and having the operation, to give you sufficient time in which to change your mind.

Problems with Breast Enlargement Surgery

After the operation there will be some discomfort on moving your arms, but this wears off after a week or two. Occasionally blood collects around the implant in the first 24 hours after surgery, and the surgeon may have to re-open the incision to remove the blood.

In some cases, infections can occur and most surgeons would prescribe antibiotics. But if severe the implant may need to be removed and replaced a couple of months later. The nipple may feel sore, or there may be loss of feeling in the nipple area. This is only temporary. The scarred skin may become red and thick, and may stay like this for a year or two before starting to fade slowly.

Tissue may tighten round the implant; squeezing it and making it feel much firmer. This used to be a common problem, but occurs less often with modern implants, which have a textured surface. If this happens, you may need another operation.

Natural Breast Augumentation Without Side Effects

Grow your breast tissues through herbal supplementation that contained breast enhancement herbs. Learn more about  the Natural Ways For Bigger Breast Growth and how powerful herbs can help you reduce sagging breasts and stimulate for breast fullness.

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GuideID: 60015

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