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The Sexual Implications of Low and High DHEA - How a hormone deficiency may be responsible for impotence
DHEA (unabbreviated, “dehydroepiandrosterone”) is known as a ‘master’ hormone that is produced by the ‘good’ cholesterol, DHL. DHEA has many functions but it is primarily responsible for joint and muscle lubrication, and the healing of damaged tissues. It is an endogenous hormone secreted by the adrenal gland that serves as harbinger to male and female sex hormones (androgens and estrogens).
After people turn thirty, their DHEA levels generally start to decrease. Besides age, insulin, corticosteroids, opiates, danazol and other drugs can also have a diminishing effect on levels of DHEA. Regardless of these factors, people who are critically ill or suffer from any one of a wide number of ailments (such as anorexia, kidney disease, diabetes, AIDS, adrenal insufficiency) typically have abnormally low levels of DHEA.
DHEA in often used to treat adrenal insufficiency, depression, labor inhibition, and sexual dysfunctions. In males, DHEA has shown to improve erectile function through its androgenic properties. It is also belived to improve adverse symptoms related to delayed orgasmic disorder and waning sexual desire and  satisfaction. Studies have revealed that men with high blood pressure respond well to DHEA, but it appears to be ineffective when treating those with diabetes or neurological disorders.
As of this writing, studies of the long-term effects of DHEA are being conducted. Concerns are that it can cause abnormal levels of androgens and estrogens in the body. Typically, it is not recommended for regular use without supervision by a licensed health professional. Still, most studies indicate that DHEA may actually help people with Addison's disease (insufficient adrenal function), claiming that it improves quality of life and overall contentment. It has shown to increase exercise capacity and sex drive while properly regulating hormone levels. Despite these assertions, Addison's disease should be recognized as a serious medical condition and your doctor should always be consulted first as to the best course of treatment.
For the millions who suffer from sexual dysfunction, DHEA is becoming well known for its ability to enable impotent men to achieve an erection (unfortunately, some studies have surmised that DHEA does not benefit those whose E.D. is caused by diabetes or nerve disorders). Serving as the partial basis of these beliefs is the fact that a insufficient DHEA level has been found to be a common factor among men with erectile dysfunction. Therefore, by simply increasing the DHEA in a sufferers body, their sexual dysfunction may successfully be treated.

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Views: 263

Ideas: Men's, Impotence, DHEA depletion

GuideID: 59114

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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