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Do You Know The Hormonal Culprit Behinded Your Aging Erectile Tissues

Jennifer’s father was 53, healthy, active and happy. But as he aged, he gained weight; he lost his happiness; and he became moody. Her father, Bill, suffered from male menopause. Bill’s wife also reported some unpleasant issues—aging erectile tissues that caused problems in the bedroom. 

As the rest of your body ages, your hormone production changes. And Bill noticed he was more agitated by minor issues at work and home. He noticed pants and t-shirts didn’t fit as they did before. And he too saw his sex drive diminish to an inordinate level. He tried to keep himself and his body free of toxins that might affect his hormone production, but it was too late. 

Causes of Poor Quaility Erectile Strength
For Bill, his erectile health proved the most pestering of his problems. The erectile tissues throughout the body can change over time because of three factors:
  • DHEA: Produced in the brain and adrenal glands, improves your strength and memory, (and who doesn't need better memory these days) but can exhaust over time due to an unhealthy diet, or even from too much sex or masturbation.  While excessive sex is one of the causes, lowered DHEA can, unfortunately, ruin your sex drive.
  • HGH: Known as the Human Growth Hormone, HGH is responsible for the production and growth of cells throughout your body. Once your HGH levels start to decrease, your tissue regeneration diminishes. This can cause soft erections or even impotence. When you spend your youth with healthy levels of HGH, once it begins to lower, you may notice penis shrinkage.
  • Testosterone: Low testosterone is one of the most well-known causes of sexual difficulties for men.  This is one of the most important hormones when it comes to healthy libido in men, and if it decreases over time, libido can drop significantly.
Regulating Hormones to Prevent and Improve Tissue Reduction
For Bill, his poor diet impede sexual health.  His diet consisted of high cholesterol and sugar intakes that over-producing testosterone-lowering enzyme. However, improving and keeping to a more healthy diet isn't always a complete solution for men experiencing erectile tissue loss. Taking herbal supplements can give your body the extra nudge that it needs
According to Bill, these natural solutions helped strengthened his erections. Ingredients, such as Avena Sativa, brought his testosterone back to the healthy levels, while Epimedium increased HGH levels.

Erectile health is a vital aspect of men's health as you gain more wisdom through years. Choosing natural solutions can offer effective solutions to sexual health issues, and can give you peace of mind that you are choosing the most healthy option to heal your conditions.

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Views: 545

Ideas: Men'sLow Sex Drive,Male MenopauseWeak Erection,DHEA depletion

GuideID: 61933

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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