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A Personal Struggle with Conception
Tick, tock, tick, tock. If you are like me, then you are hearing this same haunting noise. I never envisioned that my biological clock would be ticking. I always felt that the dreaded “biological clock” was for some insane, overbearing woman that just had to have a baby. Y

ou know, the type of women you see in movies that fake pregnancies and kidnap kids from hospitals. But in actuality, there are tons of sane women like you and I, wishing for their shot at pregnancy and yearning to feel a new life growing inside of them. So if you have been trying like me and nothing has happened yet, don’t despair. You simply may just have poor circulation of the uterus.
The Discovery
Of course there are many things that can affect a woman’s chances of getting pregnant, e.g. blockage of the fallopian tubes, cysts, irregular periods, diseases and illnesses, drugs, diet, estrogen levels, stress etc. As for me, I figured I had to be suffering from several of these issues since my husband and I had been trying to conceive for a while. 
It’s difficult for me to figure out when I am ovulating because of my low estrogen levels were normal. I didn’t have any diseases, no blockages and I was at a healthy weight with a rather healthy diet. So I wondered, what was the issue! I figured if I was perfectly fine, then why was it so hard for me to get pregnant? There was one thing that I never thought of (and I’m sure many women never consider this)…stress! 
Stress Stinks!
Although regular stress and worry can affect your body altogether, I’m talking about stress of the reproductive system. Let’s delve a little deeper to see how this can affect your chances at becoming pregnant.
Just like any other part of the body, our reproductive organs can become stressed. For women, our reproductive system is constantly fighting off and dealing with vaginal infections (such as yeast infections and Bacterial Vaginosis), going through the stress of menstrual cycles (shedding the uterine lining and releasing eggs) and the normal wear of sex and the insertion of feminine items.

Stress can cause contorted hormones and altered metabolism functions, making it difficult for women to conceive. Although the body is constantly healing itself and fighting against stress, sometimes it does need that extra “umpf” to keep things in motion. Once you increase blood flow to the uterine lining and to the ovaries, it can restore tissue over time and help your womb be a healthy environment for that little bundle of joy. Watch out John and Kate plus eight, women everywhere now has their own secret herbal weapon for baby making!

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Views: 205

Ideas: Women's, Female Infertility, difficult to get pregnant

GuideID: 58928

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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