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A Gripping Question: How Can I Feel Tighter During Sex?
As the old adage tells us, “without friction, there's no heat, and without heat, there can't be fire.” It's true for starting literal fires, and it's true for starting the metaphorical “fire down below” during sex. A number of different factors can reduce the friction between your vaginal walls and your man's penis.

Are You in Yet?
For purposes of this discussion, we'll skip over the question of whether or not you were a little too generous with the personal lubricant and focus on the problem of a loose vagina.
For Your Information: The skin of your vaginal walls is categorized as neuroendocrine tissue, which means that it releases hormones under orders from your brain. Think of it like the mechanisms of an automated car-wash, which releases water, soap, wax and compressed air according to the washing program you've purchased.
When You Can Hold More Than He Has
The skin that forms your vaginal walls ages just like the rest of your body. Aside from the simple passage of time, childbirth, sexual activity (with or without a partner) and even surgery can contribute to the aging process. Your body has certain ways of fighting back, mostly various combinations of hormones.
The Real Source Of Vaginal Looseness:

DHTDihydrotestosterone - Known as “concentrated” testosterone, DHT regulates hair growth and triggers engorgement of various parts of your genitals as well as increasing sensitivity.
TestosteroneUsed in male and female bodies to regulate bone growth, as well serving as the raw materials for making DHT.
Prostaglandin E-1Ensures that the tissues in your vagina can bend and stretch as much as possible while still “snapping back”
Prostaglandin E-2Allows your vaginal and cervical passages to dilate safely and with less injury.
Prostaglandin E-3Causes contractions, essentially countering the effects of prostaglandin E-2

The most common culprits in vaginal looseness are excess quantities of prostaglandin E-2, which will expand your vagina without letting it relax and contract, and too little DHT, which reduces the sensitivity of your vagina. Insufficient DHT is a lot like what happens when the telephone wires get old and worn-out: the signals don't get through clearly or at all, so your brain doesn't get the messages to release Prostaglandin E-2 when you need it.
So What Can I Do?
To restore your vagina's suppleness and elasticity from within, you should consider using an herbal supplement designed specifically to re-supply vital nutrients that your body needs to manufacture the missing hormones and filter out the excess ones. This method is a low-risk solution, but it will take some time for you to notice any effects.
If you wish to remain sexually active while taking this supplement, you should consider using different positions that press the walls of your vagina together while still allowing your partner to penetrate you.

Try positions where you are on your side, relative to him, or on your front, where he penetrates you from behind while you are still able to move your legs to adjust how tightly your thighs squeeze him. Explore with curiosity, creativity and mutual respect, and you'll find some amazing new experiences.
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GuideID: 58900

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