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Sex Position: Butt-I-Full
You’re either a butt guy or a boob guy. You can’t be both. You like one more the other. And for the gentlemen who likes a bigger butt, this position will give you prime access to a lovely view. Each thrust will allow you to visualize the lovely jiggle of her butt, and the best part: the thrusting against your penis.
Gentlemen will start off on their backs. But instead of lying all the way back, gentlemen will use their elbows for support. Once in position, ladies will sit on top with their back toward their partners. Ladies will extend their legs back to experience the full pleasure of this position.

Why He’ll Love It:
Ladies will have a chance to bump the clitoris up against the man’s penis. Each thrust will generate an arousing sensation for you ladies. And thanks to the positioning, ladies even have the opportunity to stimulate their clitoris with their hands if they can support their weight with just one hand.
Why He’ll Love It:
Remember how you’re leaning forward, well this lean will get you into the ideal position to stimulate not only yourself, but your lover. Each thrust that you and she perform will intensify the sensation. And thanks to her hand stimulation of the clitoris, her moans and groans will be sure to stimulate you as well.
About This Position:
Sex Position Number: 48
Difficulty: For Novice Couples
Pleasure for Him: High
Pleasure for Her: High
Not Suitable For: Weak Erections
Other positions you may like: Split Lean
Ideal Penis Size: 5 inches +
Stamina Required: Medium
Flexibility Required: Medium

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Views: 141

GuideID: 58772

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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