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Feminine Problems Caused by Household Products: Blame Your Vaginal Dryness on the Suds Washing Your Duds
The vagina is a delicate organ. We tend to think of it only as strong and sturdy, which it is. But the environment required for the vagina to thrive is fragile – a specific pH level that balances good and bad bacteria must be maintained at all times. Any agent that disrupts this level increases a woman’s chances for developing infection, skin abrasions and dryness.
The Dreaded “D” Word – Dryness
Simply put, vaginal dryness is the absence of lubrication. Before you wonder why you need lubrication, consider this: moisture keeps vaginal walls strong and healthy. In terms of sexual pleasure, it prevents the skin from tearing during intercourse. Also, it’s more comfortable to sit, stand, walk, and engage in other daily activities with a moist and supple vagina as opposed to one that’s dry and brittle.
But keeping the vagina moist isn’t as easy as you might think. Take, for instance, the story of Sara – a 30-year-old woman who properly tends to her health. She eats right, exercises a few times a week and enjoys frequent sex with her boyfriend. Although it sounds like she’s doing everything right, Sara suffers from vaginal dryness.
“I started experiencing pain during intercourse,” she explains. “Then my desire for sex plummeted. I knew I had vaginal dryness, but I couldn’t explain what had caused it. My condition came out of nowhere.”
After months of trial and error – switching her bath soap, omitting body spray and using a store-brand lubricant – she discovered the culprit: her laundry detergent. “I recently purchased a more affordable brand of detergent,” she says. “Once I discovered my vaginal dryness started around the same time as my switch, I was able to make the connection.”
Harsh Chemicals Harm Vaginal Health
Todays’ society assumes highly fragranced products are best, but they’re not. Many grassroots campaigns and environmental activists label household cleaners and detergents as toxic. In fact, a person’s house can be 2 to 5 times more polluted than the air outside – all because of common items.
Laundry detergent is especially harmful because it contains offensive ingredients like sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), phosphates and nonylphenol ethoxylate. SLS is rated by the Environmental Working Group as a “moderate hazard.” It irritates the skin and eyes and can disrupt internal functions relative to sexual health. Meaning it can dry vaginal skin externally as well as impede the body’s ability to internally produce lubrication.
The other end of the spectrum is this: many people are unwittingly allergic to dyes and perfumes used in laundry detergents. This can cause a reaction that involves skin rash in addition to fever, itchy skin and aches. It’s tough to tell the difference between allergic reactions and contact dermatitis without going to a doctor, so if you suspect you have allergies, schedule an appointment.
Forget the Chemicals and Take a Natural Approach
When selecting laundry detergent, opt for a brand with the least ingredients. Remember, less is more. Some brands are even made for people with sensitive skin, which makes for an ideal alternative to chemically-laden formulas. Also skip douching, scented wipes, body sprays, and harsh cleansers – you only need to wash the vagina with warm water and gentle soap.
An herbal dryness relief remedy can restore moisture to the vagina and also improve sexual desire. (SEE: Vaginal Moisturizing Renewal Remedy) Ingredients like Cnidium and Licorice improve endocrine functions to stimulate the body’s natural production of lubrication. They also nourish vaginal tissue to alleviate the discomfort of dryness.
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GuideID: 58740

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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