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Infertilidad masculina
Dolor y lesión testicular
Dolor y lesiones del pene
Bajo deseo sexual
Masturbación excesiva
Erección débil
Agrandamiento de la próstata
Eyaculación precoz
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Cause Of Diabetes Related Erectile Dysfunction Is Treatable
Frequent urination, unquenchable thirst, weight loss and fatigue are the usual day-to-day symptoms associated with diabetes.  And while common ailments continue to beset men and women, diabetes can disrupt another important function erectile function.
Although age is certainly a factor, erectile dysfunction often develops after the age of 65, and according to statistics, 8 out of 10 men with diabetes suffer from erectile dysfunction.  Out of that 80 percent of men with diabetes, it’s typical for them to experience erectile dysfunction around the age of 50 to 55. 
About E.D.
Erectile dysfunction, commonly known as impotence, is the inability to obtain or maintain substantial blood flow to the penis.  When men become crippled with diabetes, the disease causes nerve damage and can lead to cardiovascular disease if not treated properly.  

Combined, both health issues leave men highly susceptible to erectile dysfunction.
Cardiovascular disease narrows and hardens blood vessels, preventing blood from flowing freely throughout the body.   As the blood vessels deteriorate, the body produces less nitric oxide, a gaseous signaling molecule used to relax the smooth muscle surrounding the blood vessels for healthy blood circulation throughout the body, including the penis.  

Nitric oxide causes the blood vessels in the penis to widen for increased blood flow; thereby low production of nitric oxide prevents substantial influx of blood to obtain an erection.  Lack of enough nitric oxide will also prevent enough blood flow to compress the penile veins needed to trap the blood in the penis after an erection for sustainability.
The Role of Nerves
While cardiovascular disease prevents erections pathologically, the physiological effects of impotence are caused by nerve damage.   Men with diabetes can become sexually aroused, but the nerves cannot relay the messages of arousal from the brain to the penis to stimulate an erection.
But don’t panic. Natural remedies can combat diabetes and erectile dysfunction. Before natural remedies can work, you must maintain a proper diet to keep your blood sugar levels low. Stay away greasy foods, as they clog your arteries and restrain blood flow.  

A low-fat vegan diet is the most effective way to help lower blood sugar.

Next, Bitter Melon, a cucumber-shaped fruit, can help regulate blood sugar, while  the magnesium and vitamin K in pumpkin seeds help combat type II diabetes.  

Men with type II diabetes are particularly vulnerable because it often damages the inner layers of blood vessels in the penis, resulting in low nitric oxide production and weak erections. Even exercising can help control diabetes and improve erectile strength.

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