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The Clitoral Hood Hindrance - How excessive clitoral skin may lead to sexual dysfunction

Many women are distressed by what they feel is an excessive amount of skin covering their clitoris, all-encompassingly hanging down around it. Perhaps greater than their cosmetic concerns is their complaint that it makes stimulation of the clit difficult. It simply gets in the way. When the clitoral foreskin is too long, women are unable to become sufficiently sexually aroused, and are thus prone to low sexual desire, orgasmic disorder, or both.
Excess skin on the sides of the clitoris often makes the area appear as though it is enlarged, uneven, or unsightly. These perceived deformities may be the result of any number of factors. It could be an inherited trait via genetics. Exposure to abnormal levels of estrogen and testosterone can also contribute to how the area looks. Previous vaginal trauma, surgery, or childbirth can all be reasons lending to the disheartening appearance.

Normally, the clitoral hood - the vaginal foreskin known as the prepuce – protects the clitoris from over stimulation or abrasion. It’s designed that way. It naturally retracts during sexual intercourse, exposing the clitoral node’s surface AKA the “exterior G-spot”. This is a process that lends itself specifically to the enabling and production of the female sexual orgasm.
In unfortunate circumstances, however, there are women that have excess prepuce tissue, or even abnormally small clitoral nodes (both conditions are rather common, actually) and are naïve to the fact that the condition may be responsible for their inability to achieve orgasm. They may be frustrated by how difficult it is for them to reach climax, if they are able to do so at all (sometimes depending on how long their partner lasts). The problem stems from the fact that the clitoris is restricted and unaffected due to the protection of too much skin tissue, thus profoundly diminishing sensation, sometimes even eliminating it entirely.
There is a minor surgery that can be performed on the female genitalia that will remove the additional skin tissue of the prepuce. The procedure actually shortens the hood that sheaths the clitoris on all three sides. The healing process from such a procedure may be advanced considerably with the addition of herbal supplements such as the Botanical Remedy For Clitoral & Vaginal Repair.

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Views: 499

Ideas: Female, difficult to orgasm, insensitive

GuideID: 60476

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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