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Harmonic Qi Gong

Sex is like a sport. The strongest and fastest player isn't always the one who comes out on top. Sex, like sports, can only be mastered through concentration, patience and strategy. Harmonic Qi Gong (also known as Sexual Chi-Kong) combines breathing techniques and meditative efforts that help improve erectile capacity while preventing an ejaculation. Practicing Harmonic Qi Gong can make sex more enjoyable thanks to the improved erectile power and stamina.

Advanced practioners can even re-direct bioenergy from their partners to help individuals maintain rock-hard erections for longer. Harmonic Qi Gong remains an open known secret passed along from Chinese royal-palace emperors who often had sex with an entire imperial consort, which consisted of 121 women, ranking from empress to concubines.

What is Qi?
"Qi" refers to bio-energy. "Gong" means work. Combine both words, and you get Sexual Qi Gong, a bio-energy that is distributed around the body to give men and women the sexual energy and concentration they need to be successful at sex.

Harmonic Qi Gong serves as the perfect intercourse technique that empowers your erections and enhances your stimulation. If you cannott sustain a firm erection long enough,  your partner may be unable to orgasm. The reason: Most women become sexually aroused later than men will. This difference in arousal times causes an uncoordinated effort, but Harmonic Qi Gong allows couples to synchronize their orgasms with each other. 

To perform the technique, men must sustain a firm erection that points between the 12 o'clock and 3 o'clock positions. If you suffer from severe erection problems or sexual exhaustion (aging arteries, depletion of DHEA or HGH), take She Chuang Zi, Rehmannia, Wu Wei Zi, Cuscuta, Mucuna Pruiens and Herba Cistanchi found in Botanical Solutions for Erectile Dysfunction. If you are over 45 years of age, take Anti-Aging Solution for Erectile Tissues Formula to repair and rejuvenate your erectile tissues.

How To Do It:
  1. Relax and control your breathing - inhaling and exhaling normally. Keep your eyes loosely closed. Put your tongue against the palate. Focus on your eyebrow.

  2. Inhale through your nose using  2-5 seconds intervals between inhalations. You should feel your abdomen expand. This will cause your lung capacity to increase. Now, focus your mind toward your belly button area.

  3. Hold your breath and move your expanded abdomen downward by contracting your upper abdomen. As pressure gradually builds against the bladder and the prostate gland, shift your mental focus to the prostate area. This step is the most important step during intercourse – it requires that you hold your breath for as long as possible while applying pressure to the bladder and prostate area. Holding your breath will partially block sensitivity to the penis, allowing you to control an ejaculation.

  4. Contract your anus by clenching. Then exhale slowly out from the mouth while shifting concentration towards the center of your forehead. Repeat steps 1-4 several times over.

After enough practice, you should feel hot energy rise from the prostate area through the spinal cord and to your head. Remember, when using the anal clenching method during intercourse, your inhalations and contractions of the abdomen should coincide with your sexual thrusting motions.
Although, this might seem difficult at first, with just a little practice (alone or with a partner), you’ll be a master at Harmonic Qi Gong.  Just a little time and repetition can reap many years of increased sexual enjoyment for you and your partner.

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Blog ID: 63805

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