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Natural Methods of Birth Control

From condoms to diaphragms, couples can naturally abstain from resorting to birth control pills. These natural methods require neither manipulation of hormones nor medical procedures. Most of these methods focus on contraception prevention, fertility control, and pregnancy intervention for both male and female participants. One method might be more suitable than the other, depending on the couple and their preferences, but remember, no birth control method is 100% effective.

Condoms for Him and Her
Condoms, the most effective and most used type of natural birth control, shield against sexually transmitted diseases (STD). Made of latex or natural animal membrane, condoms are  placed over the penises. Men must exercise caution to ensure condoms stay on properly and do not rip or tear during intercourse. Condoms also come in different colors, flavors, and qualities to improve sensation for him or her. Check out the reviews for each specialty condoms and make your intimacy more fun!
The Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) calculates the ovulation period of each woman. Originally designed to increase the chance of fertility, FAM can also prevent pregnancy. Some women can detect the signs and symptoms of ovulation without assistance, while others may depend on simple devices to map out their ovulation. FAM can be as effective as 98%. Here is a list of popular ovulation prediction tools:
  • CycleBeads
  • Early Detect Ovulation Kit
  • New Choice Ovulation Predictor
  • Digital Device – Clearblue Monitor
Calendar Method
Calendar month, similar to FAM, calculates a women’s fertile period on the calendar. Based upon previous menstrual cycles, subtract 18 days from the shortest menstrual cycle to determine the first fertile day. To determine the last fertile day, add 11 days from the longest menstrual cycle. Woman with irregular menstrual cycles should not use this method as it  can cause miscalculations.

Shaped like the size of a small bowl, a diaphragm, similar to a condom, prevents sperm from entering the uterus. Compared to a condom, this small, rubberized bowl inserts into the cervix with spermicide begin applied into the diaphragm for extra protection. Most product labels recommend a diaphragm be inserted 6 hours before sexual intercourse and left an additional 6 hours after sex. Women should avoid using any oil-based lubricants such as baby oil, petroleum jelly, or mineral oil because these products can damage the diaphragm.

Removal of diaphragm is simple but will require some washing with mild soap. Proper use of diaphragm can last over 2 years. However, please air dry and regularly examine it for holes or damages.

Cervical Cap
A small, thimble-shaped cup made of silicone, a cervical cap fits over the cervix preventing sperm from entering into the uterus. A Cervical cap needs to be inserted at least 10 minutes before sexual intercourse and must be left in place for at least 6 hours. Normally, cervical cap can be left in place for up to 48 hours. A Cervical cap is not as effective for women who have had a baby. According to statistics, over 30% of women who have had at least one baby may have an accidental pregnancy while using a cervical cap.

Copper IUD
A T-shaped device about the size of a quarter, Copper-coated Intrauterine Device (IUD) prevents pregnancy by not allowing sperm to fertilize the egg. With only about 1% accidental pregnancy, a IUD works well. However, common side effects of the IUD include: spotting between periods, and heavier and more frequent cramps.

Withdrawal Method For Him
Withdrawal Method (Coitus Interruptus) requires a man to withdraw the penis from a woman’s vagina before he ejaculates. It’s about 70% effective but not suitable for men who have suffered from premature ejaculation or seminal leakage problems.

 Is Douching an effective natural birth control method?
  • Vaginal douching, used mostly for vaginal hygiene purpose, prevents active sperm from reaching a woman's cervix and the upper part of the uterus. However, the method must be performed within five minutes of ejaculation. Still, vaginal douching may not be as effective as the other pregnant methods because of the prior claims by woman that it may force sperm up and into the uterus as oppose to out. 
Can urinating while standing after sex be an effective birth control method?
  • No, the urinary tract simply eliminates urine--not sperm.
Is mutual masturbation considered an abstinence birth control method?
  • Mutual masturbation without intercourse will not result in pregnancy. Remember the sperm must ejaculate into the vagina. If during foreplay the sperm were ejaculated onto a toy or device that was then inserted into the vagina, a woman may get pregnant.

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观看次数: 71


笔记编号: 63798

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