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Essential Oils for Combating Addiction

Many essential oils have sedative properties at the same time energize your spirit. Some people found helpful to use aromatherapy as one of the supplemental way to counter addiction such as cocaine, methamphetamine, estasy, and marijuana.
It’s not very easy to kick out habit and the nasty withdrawal have discouraged recreational drug users. It’s very important for both your health and sex life that you overcome addiction as soon as possible. There is only one outcome for long abuse of recreational drug: the end of sex life.

Bergamot (Citrus bergamia) is known to relieve anxiety, depression, and compulsive behavior. It can be a calming antidote to a reliance on cocaine and other stimulants.

Clary Sage
Clary sage (Salvia sclarea) can be used to relieve anxiety, paranoia and mental exhaustion. Some people found the benefits of using it as a way to quench craving for marijuana.

Rose Oil
Rose Oil (Rose damascene) lifts confidence and fights depression. Some people found it beneficial for overcoming alcohol abuse and withdrawal.

Aromatherapy works well with Acupuncture together. Researchers have found that recreation drugs suppress the production of pain-reducing neurotransmitters in the body, such as endorphins. Most recreational drugs would change brain chemistry to replace endorphins instead. Therefore it is very difficult to kick out the habit. Acupuncture is very effective in releasing the endorphins and other neurotransmitters in the body, calming the nervous system, and reducing withdrawal symptoms.
Natural ingredients in Mind Juventor such as Rehmannia Glutinosa, American Ginseng, Griffonia Simlicifolia (5-HTP) and GABA can lessen cravings for stimulants such as cocaine, methamphetamine, estasy, and marijuana. The cumulative effects of acupuncture treatments along with natural remedies can suppress cravings, and even drug-related dreaming.

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