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Sexy Triggers - Great Ways to Start Foreplay

A satisfactory sexual relationship lowers the risks of depression, heart problems, and cancer. Many of the tips provided below was contributed by happy couples and sex experts. These ‘words to live by’ can light your fire and keep it burning at record high temperatures for long periods of time. 

Find out the Sensual Spots
Everyone has different areas of sensuality that can be great triggers for a successful sexual relationship. Men, apply gentle touching; caress her collarbone; lick her earlobe; stick your toe in her navel. Anything you try can be a good starter for foreplay! It just depends on what your partner likes. The better you get to know her, the more you are able to explore, and the closer you get to uncovering her hidden interests.

Sensitized Your G-Spot
Even after going through multiple lovers, many women have openly reported that they have never experienced an orgasm in their lives. Either those women have really bad luck or the problem may be that their G-Spots are not GOOD. Taking herbs from the G-Spot Rejuvenation & Nerve Repair remedy can enhance the sensitivity of the G-Spot.
Touch the Hair Softly
Gentle touches along the hairline send specialized stimulus to the XXX region of the brain that creates a loving feeling. Many loving couples wash each other’s hair and scalps for better circulation and pleasure.

Lounging in a Bubble Bath
Taking a bubble bath allays stress. Once the stress dissipates, the warm water can increase your blood flow to the nerve endings under your skin, thus making it more receptive to touch. Add the luscious pheromone to your bath to stimulate both you and your lover. Check out Sensual Aromatherapy and try the various essential oils that can turn you on.
Need more ideas to revive your passion and spice your sex life? Learn more Ways To Ignite Your Passion and Desire Again.

[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 63787

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