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Reflexology Treatment for Premature Ejaculation

The  art of reflexology alleviates stress from pressure points. Most folks consider reflexology a simple massage technique, but it complement well with calming herbal formula that can allay incidental premautre ejaculation (PE) problems often caused by stress and performance anxiety.

What is Reflexology?
Reflexology stimulates the nervous system, blood flow, and organs of the body through trigger points that congregate in the hands and feet. Applying pressure to these specific locations can function as an alternative form of healing.

Stop Premature Ejaculation With Pressure Points
Massaging pressure points triggers an involuntary reaction; much like the knee-jerk reaction when a medical hammer hits a knee. The body may at times fail to provide the proper synaptic impulse from the brain to the targeted area. Reflexology improves nerve response, blood flow, chemical production and interactions, and organ and gland function. In the case of ejaculation control, proper functioning of all of these parts is crucial.

How Do I Do It?
Unlike a muscle massage, small circular motions on the targeted area are used. Fingers, knuckles, massage tools, and even golf balls can help perform the necessary motions. At first, you may feel some pain, but this is due to the improper functioning of the area you are trying to heal. Start with light pressure and add more as you progress.

The massage of several reflex points is needed to produce the desired effects. In the case of premature ejaculation, the points needed may vary from individual to individual due to severity of premature ejaculation and health conditions.

Where Should I Massage?
The problem with premature ejaculation can be a result of several factors. So there are several areas to concentrate on:
  • Pineal Gland Area: The pineal gland syntheizes and releases melatonin, a chemical used for sleep. The body replenishes its reserves of hormones and chemicals through sleep. When the body lacks essential hormones and checmicals, premature ejacualtion can occur.
  • Pituitary Gland Area: The pituitary gland produces most of the body’s hormones. Pituitary stimulation helps the body produce a sufficient amount of  hormones and chemicals needed for sexual functioning. Pituitary hormones provide the proper neural communication (neurotransmitters) that effect erections, tissue health, and of course ejaculation control.
  • Adrenal Gland Area: The adrenal gland produces stress, anxiety, and sex hormones. Premature ejaculation is often induced by an overabundance of stress. Performance anxiety and job pressure will also increase the time it takes to reach an orgasm. Remain calm and comfortable to maintain control. Stimulation of the adrenal gland will help you relax and allow your body to better cope with stressors.
  • Kidney Area: Kidneys remove toxins that may retard or interfere with the proper functioning of sexual organs. The regulation of blood pressure and proper blood flow – crucial to a healthy erection and ejaculation control – are also controlled by the kidneys. Without the proper blood flow, essential nutrients would fail to be deleivered to areas of the body.The kidneys also help prevent pain in the lower back, which contains sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves – nerves that can create PE problems. Proper kidney function also aids in reducing pain in the lower back and relaxation. Often, it is the overstimulated sympathetic nerves or the strained parasympathetic nerves – both concentrated in the lower back – that will create PE problems. Helping to relieve this tension and soothing the nerves will aid ejaculation control.
  • Testicles Area: By stimulating the testicles, you promote a higher and more proper production of testosterone. Higher testosterone will provide more energy, improve mood, help with fertility, and allow for greater sex drive. The production of semen as well as the chemical reaction needed for an erection depend on testosterone
How To Best Use Reflexology
Reflexology on its own may not always be enough to cure premature ejaculation; it will help, though. To fully cure PE, examine your habits and change them accordingly. Excessive masturbation, stress, smoking, alcohol, and recreational drugs all contribute to the development and continuation of premature ejaculation.

Reducing and eliminating these practices will surely help. If you want to see a faster and better results, you should take calming herbal formula along with massaging the pressure points.

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笔记编号: 63734

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