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Phyto Menopause Formula

East Versus West Diets: How Food Affects Health

Gloss through a Western cookbook. Staple recipes will include a bevy of meat cuts, carbohydrate-rich foods, and a few side dishes of veggies. Few meals will include traditional Eastern recipes, such as tofu dishes, herbal soups, and soy-based products. While Western diets may be rich in carbohydrates and meats, Eastern diets tend to minimize these potentially harmful foods. The differences in diet can be seen in the health problems both cultures develop later in life.
According to recent research reports, Japanese women who ate a traditional Asian diet-- tofu, fish, rice, herbal soup, soymilk, and soy-based foods--had significantly lowered occurrences of menopausal discomforts.

Herb Diet

Herbal tofu soup and various herbal diets provide an abundant amount of isoflavones, phyto-estrogen, and anti-aging compounds. Popular among Asian women, these herbal remedies and diets help provide phyto-estrogens molecules that mimic or interact with various hormonal receptors in the body.  With over twenty phyto-hormones identified in herbal plants, these estrogen-like compounds may be weaker than natural estrogen hormones, but they remian safe and beneficial to consume over a long period of time.
Many herbs provide and stimulate the body’s own production of estrogen. For example, Dong Quai, which contains high levels of natural plant estrogens called phytosterols, reduces the symptoms of estrogen deficiency. It is also beneficial for promoting blood flow to the reproductive organs, relieving menstrual cramps, regulating uterine contractions, and alleviating symptoms related to menopause.

Wild Yam and Dioscarea villosa, powerful estrogenic herbs used by women around the world, contain progestogenic properties that reduce the symptoms of menopause. Wild Yam also provides anti-inflammatory actions that allay menopausal arthritis. 
Pueraria Mirifica, a vine plant of the Leguminosae family, contains high levels of phytoestrogens just like isoflavone. The characteristic structures of phytoestrogens called Miroestrol and Deoxymiroestrol in Pureraria Mirfica both possess the highest estrogenic activity due to their structural similarity to estradiol, the human estrogen. Pueraria Mirifica also contains isoflavone and coumestrol, which are usually found in soybeans but have a higher potency in the herb. 
Cornus Officinalis, a sour and astringent herb, helps stop excessive sweating and heavy menstrual bleeding. Cornus Officinalis blends works with Poria Cocoa to provide a soothing and tranquilizing effect on the nervous system used in treating tension, anxiety and insomnia. 
Phellodendron contains isoquinoline alkaloids and plant sterols. It is used to reduce night sweats and hot flashes.
It’s no surprise to see that many Asian women look a decade younger than their like-aged counterparts of other races. It’s never too late to take advantage of what nature offers you by taking herbal supplements or formulas containing Dong Quai, Wild Yam, Pueraria Mirifica, Cornus, Dioscorea, and Phellodendron Amurense.

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