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Natural Hormonal Realignment & Libido Restoration Formula

Whether we are in our 20s or our 70s, most of us enjoy healthy sex lives. Sometimes we struggle with performance issues or lack the desire to have passionate sex.

A sluggish sex life may have more to do with physiological issues than with age.

Effectively For
Synergized herbs in this formula are designed to restore sexual desire and drive ruined by thyroid diseasediabetes, anemia, and toxin buildup from birth control medications that can all affect sex hormones.
When Balance Is Off
All of these risk factors potentially ruin our sex drive by depleting or disrupting the balanced ratio of many essential sex hormones such as oxytocin, progesterone, and estrogen in the reproductive organs.

Not only does libido plummet, but some women experience horrific side effects like obesity and depression.

Researchers report that obese women are 25 times more likely than those of normal weight to report problems with their sex life and marriage. It’s like ruining you inside out, leaving you only with anger and contempt.

How It Happened?
Syntheic hormones and chemical residues from prescription drugs and birth control medications influnced various hormonal regulations, particularly increase amount of serum hormone binding globulin (SHBG). When SHBG level increased, it will inactivate testosterone and reduce sex drive tremendously. Long term usage of prescription drugs and birth control medications will result in heavy accumulation of SHBG, that can only be breakdown and restore proper hormone production by potent herbal formula containing herbs such as Tribulus Terrestris, Pyrola Calliantha, Muira Puama, Fenugreek, Turkey Rhubarb, and Black Cohosh.

Don't Blame Yourself As A Part of Statistics
If you belong to these sad statistics, take action before it can become worse. As women get older or their aging is accelerated due to both a high physiological and psychological toll, the ovaries stop producing estrogen while uterus fails to respond to oxytocin, which results in dryness.

Nothing can pull the plug on desire faster than pain during sex. Intercourse pain is a sharp axe that can kill intimacy. No honey, no happiness!

Natural Ways Last Longer
To naturally re-align and restore your sex drive, take the herbal complex that consists of Catuaba, Cynomorium songaricum, Black Cohosh, Catuaba, Tribulus Terrestris, Pyrola Calliantha, Muira Puama, Fenugreek, Turkey Rhubarb, Lepidium meyenii (Maca), and Epimedium Grandiflorum.

Many of these herbs have adoptogenic properties that modulate the a proper production of sex hormones. When these herbs are blended properly, they function as a potent integral entity.

Science Behinds The Herbology
Every woman responds to herbs differently. Severe libido problems that persist for a long period of time will also see gradual improvement accordingly. Various hormonal receptors in the reproductive system will become more responsive to cellular signaling and hormone interactions. For example, oxytocin secreted due to intimate caressing at the nipple region can respond more effectively at the uterus contraction for better sexual stimulation.
[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 63727

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