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Hormonal Realignment & Detoxification Solution

The Hormone Importance

Prescription drugs, birth control medications, junk food, smoking, and prolonged exposure to environmental toxic compounds (such as PBA buildup from plastics), can contort  the normal function of hormones in a woman’s body.

For some obese women, weight gain is not caused by poor food choices or lack of exercise but rather by a hormone imbalance. Each woman reacts differently to malfunctioning hormones, some experiencing Persistent Genital Arousal Syndrome; others feel depressed and self-conscious.

A hormonal imbalance can also result in low sex drive, while excessive amounts of hormones can lead to estrogen dominance problems. Do some research to find out why and how botanical formulas can help. Learn how the herbs from this formula can be of benefit. Reclaim your body and embark upon a fresh start.

Reclaim Your Desire for Sex

Designed to help modulate the depletion or dominance of hormones, Hormonal Realignment contains complex signaling pathways that surprise even scientists.  Because hormones influence organs through electrochemical signaling, the herbs Tao Qi Gong masters, Zen meditation healers, and even acupuncturists continue to use these herbs to heal and treat hormone imbalances.
A powerful herbal formula composed of a therapeutic ratio of potent herbs will take full advantage of the natural plant derivatives. Adoptogenic herbs such as Astragalus Membranaceus, Fo Ti, Rhodiola, Tumeric Root, and Panax Ginseng will increase the body’s endurance and resistance to damage caused by stress hormones, Prostaglandin E-2, metabolized estrogen, and toxins.

In fact, the Milk Thistle, Bupleurum, Tumeric Root, and Rehmannia in this formula supercharge the liver’s function and accelerate the detoxification process, expelling and recycling various chemical buildups in the body.

When the hormones are realigned properly, a sense of comfort and peace of mind will be bestowed upon you. Even though aging and toxic chemicals can burden you physiologically, it is up to you to earn and enjoy the comfortable daily life you desire.

[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 63725

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