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Passion Kindle Formula for Orgasm Dysfunction

Deprived of Multiple Orgasms
A normal sexual response cycle of the vagina includes lengthening, enlarging, lubricating, swelling of the external genitals, and coordinating of uterus contractions. The orgasmic responses of women are different than that of men. Women, unlike men, require no recovery time after an orgasm. However, a small percentage of women are not so fortunate.
Initiating and sustaining orgasmic responses can often be disrupted by stress, a hormonal imbalance, nervous system dysfunction, nitric oxide depletion, and/or toxin interference. Long-term exposure to these risk factors can damage and hinder the vasodilation of vaginal tissues and vaginal myotonic reactions.
How this Formula Can Help
Lepidium meyenii (Maca), Epimedium, Ashwagandha, Catuaba, Cynomorium, Pyrola, Damiana, and Schisandra continue to earn praise as female fertility herbs, and when blended within this therapeutic ratio, they work together in synergy to help
  • Replenish nitric oxide production
  • Improve sensitivity and increase pleasure
  • Heightens sex drive and libido
  • Intensify pelvic vasocongestion
  • Lengthen and maintain engorgement of the inner genitals
Researchers are currently analyzing the therapeutic functions behind the phytosterols, phytoestrogens, and other potential bioactive ingredients in Maca; including macaridine, macamides, macaene, gluosinolates, and maca alkaloid, all part of the herbs complex.[1]

When prolonged sexual excitement has over-produced sex hormones, women will be unable to reach an orgasm and some may develop a gynecological condition characterized by pelvic congestion, pain, and discomfort. Taking this formula, pelvic muscle tone can be restored, hormones can be rebalanced, and orgasmic responses can be restored to normalcy.
^1 Byung-Cheul Shin,Myeong Soo Lee,Eun Jin Yang, Hyun-Suk Lim, and Edzard Ernst, Maca (L. meyenii) for improving sexual function: a systematic review, BMC Complement Altern Med. 2010; 10:44.

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Blog ID: 63709

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