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The Sweet Secret of Princess Aroma - Natural Remedy for Vaginal Odor

In the conservative ancient Chinese tradition, women with foul body odor were associated as having a filthy, unforgiving personality. It’s unthinkable today, but fragrant body odor and smaller feet were part of the critical beauty standards for hundreds of years during the Chinese Qing Dynasty. As a result, many aromatic herbal formulas and fragrant oils, considered effective even today, have been developed to help women.

Formula History
Born in 1734, Princess Aroma was born during the Oing Dynasty. Princess Aroma, received her name  because of the special body aroma that resonated from her body, intoxicating most men she encountered. Born as an Islamic tribal princess from the Xinjiang region, she was sent to the Imperial Palace as a teenager. The palace hosted hundreds of princesses for the Chinese emperor. Based on noble family status or beauty, princesses were categorized by eight levels (with ‘Queen’ status being the highest).

Princess Aroma entered the palace at the lowest rank and reached near-Queen status before she passed away. Royal historians have described Princess Aroma’s as a stable, intimate, and attractive woman.

Formula Overview
A book about the Chinese Imperial Palace detailed the special diet and herbal soups that Princess Aroma consumed on a weekly basis. Many herbalists have claimed the formula contained herbs such as:

Momordica (Luo Han Guo) - Increase fructose content in various glands
Achyranthes Root (Niu Xi) - Improve circulation for endocrine glands
Morinda Officinalis (Ba Ji Tian) - Provides nutrients for improving capillary & circulation
Polygonum Multiflorum (Fo Ti) - Works with hair follicles
Pumpkin Seed - Beneficial to hormonal regulations
Dodder Seed (Cuscuta) - Rejuvenate genital area
Yumberry (Myrica Rubra) - High anti-oxidant for prevent sexual aging

One common benefit of this formula is a reduced vaginal odor and sweetened vaginal fluids. Scientists believe these herbs can help reduce abnormal vaginal discharge, balance vaginal pH, and increase fructose content in glands to make the endocrine gland produce fluid high in glucose (similar to sugar). If you are engaging in oral sex activities, this herbal blend will certainly sweeten your love life.

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Blog ID: 63702

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