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Cannabis Detoxification for Poor Erection Recovery

Brain Chemistry and Marijuana

Persistent marijuana use alters brain chemistry, damaging not only the brain, but also the organs. For people under the age of 21, the effects of marijuana are even greater. The reason? The brain is still developing for young adult, making early addiction a harder habit to kick. Each time you smoke, your body raises its level of prostaglandin E-2, an inflammatory hormone that relaxes the muscles.

When too much prostaglandin E-2 is present, the body will inflame and constrict the arteries to slow blood flow.

What It Is Formulated To Do:
Science Behind the Damage

Pot contains delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol, a chemical that damages the blood-brain barrier in the brain while inhibiting acetylcholine production. Damage to the blood-brain barrier allows toxins to enter the brain.

Toxins that remain present for extended periods damage organs and cells, including the prostate, penis and brain. Meanwhile, marijuana inhibits acetylcholine that controls blood flow, while it stymies the production of nitric oxide, which serves as a signaling molecule used for stimulating the penis. When the body can no longer eliminate toxins, vital sex chemicals, e.g., nitric oxide and acetylcholine can no longer power an erection.

Highlights of Healing Herbs:

Bupleurum – Increases liver function
Alima Plantago – Accelerates the detoxification process
Rehmannia – Increases bile and expel toxins
American Ginseng - Enhances nitric oxide and acetylcholine production
Milk Thristle – Serves as an adoptogenic herb for the liver and gallbladder
Guarana seed – Improves energy level and alertness
Cornus, & Alima Plantago – Improves blood flow to the penis
Cuscuta – Helps sustain an erection for longer

Detox Your Body

Passed down from Shaoling monks, Cannabis Detox was originally formulated to help opium-addicted individuals. Opium, much like marijuana, alters the brain and body chemistry that damage a man’s sexual capacity.

Cannabis Detox formula, based on the Shaoling Formula used to help opium addicts, helps boost the liver’s detoxification function to process and remove toxins from the body. Together, these herbs support natural antioxidant systems in the liver and improve your erections.

[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 63682

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