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Sex Fetish Books: A Solution for Unleashing Your Inner Desires

Think about the one thing that sexually ignites your urges. Everyone has his or her sexual triggers, from large breasts to well-kept feet and everything in between.

Some fetishes fall along an extreme spectrum that borders a line between crazy and dam right weird. For example, liquidophelia, a sexual fetish where individuals find pleasure from wetting themselves. See, crazy and weird. For the everyday man or woman, fetishes may not fall under such an extreme spectrum. No, some fetishes are accepted and widely recognized—bondage, older-women younger-man relationships, even dom-sub relationships.  
Whatever you desire, learning about these relationships and fetishes can let you explore your desires, fulfill them and explore new options. Men and women seeking more information about their fetishes may find solace in everyday books.

Why You Have Fetishes?

Psychologists speculate the most common cause for fetishes occurs because of learned associations, mental pairings of objects that later create sexual pleasure. Take for example feet. Young boys may not see feet as fascinating, pretty or even sexually stimulating.

But as a boy grows, the repeated association of well-kept feet grows a fetish. As a boy reaches sexual maturity, the association with well-maintained toes transforms from admiration to sexual pleasure. And the same constant pairing from something innocent can develop into a sexual fetish.

Reason for Buying Books

While you could find all the information about fetishes online, people looking to explore a fetish, learn about its origins and discover how to better achieve pleasure, will want to purchase books. Each book offers a comprehensive guide to better understanding a fetish, a learning experience that can take hours to understand and find information online. Fetish-specific books help men and women

  • Gain insight on a fetish from leading experts
  • Understand the reasons for why they enjoy fetishes
  • Discover other men and women who share their similar desires
  • Tips for persuading a partner to try a fetish

While most individuals will see fetishes as strange, even disgusting, it’s important to remember how frequent men and women carry these fetishes and how often sexual desires develop. Individuals interested exploring and growing their sexual fetishes should find the options presented to them.

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Blog ID: 63617

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