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Breast Stimulators - For Improved Female Orgasm

Outside the bedroom, a man will worship a female’s breasts; inside the bedroom, he’ll ignore’em. A bit ironic giving the amount of time males spend glorifying the beauty of the breast, but according to experts (and women), the breasts earn little attention inside the bedroom. Instead of playing with the breasts, fondling, kissing and licking them, men skip the bosom and go straight down. Sure, some men will squeeze or kiss the breasts for a minute or two, but most of the attention goes to the clitoris.

Not so fast boys.

It’s time you learned the amount of pleasure you’re causing your partner to miss out on. More importantly, the lowered stimulation can reduce a woman’s chances of reaching an orgasm. If you’re skipping straight down and neglecting the breast, you might want to learn the importance of simulating a woman’s bosom.

Importance of Breast Stimulation

The breast, especially the nipples and areola, contain a number of nerve endings that enhance stimulation. Tender kisses, licks and squeezes can ignite a woman’s urges. Even five minutes spent admiring and kissing the breasts can elevate a woman’s chances of reaching an orgasm.

A man’s goal while playing with the breast is to pay attention to her body language. Breasts, like the women who own them, are distinct. Some women enjoy light, tender touches and squeezes. Other ladies, enjoy rough stimulation, biting and even constant licking. Pay attention to her reaction when you try different levels of stimulation.

Better Breast Play

Sure, your fingers and tongue can grant a woman with enough stimulation to inch her closer toward an orgasm. But what can really ignite her urges is a breast stimulator. When combined with licks and squeezes, breast stimulators give a woman the added level of stimulation, please that will ignite her body. The pulsating sensation from the stimulators will award her with a gentle massage, while peppering licks and kisses will grant a woman with the added moisture to stimulate her breasts.

The benefits of these breast stimulators include

  • Added pleasure that the hands or the tongue cannot replicate
  • Gentle and rough stimulation
  • Improved ability to make a woman orgasm

If you see your lady lacking in stimulation, you might find these stimulators helpful in your constant quest to make her orgasm. 

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Blog ID: 63606

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